Letter to CCP

I would like to say that’s what Eve Echos is for but it’s so small on my tablet I can’t see it. Also it’s disconnected from Eve which I think is pointless.

I mentioned you above as one of the three primary people/things I am aware of that are examples of players making Eve seem worthwhile to new players. I’m not sure who CCP Ghost is, but I’ve read a bunch of articles and interviews with some of the people they hired for this stuff and it frankly left me flat.
I’ve also answered a number of their questionnaire thingys which were utterly absurd and gave them answers that meant nothing because there was no option to state why you had given the answer you had. I got results back from one of them that were so profoundly off I just had to laugh. They would have done better to just spy on me in local chat. The problem is they make decisions based on those questionnaires.
I don’t know how long they have been at it with this stuff (hiring people to analyze players) but if the last year or so of punishing the players for their (CCP’s) own mistakes is any indication we might as well have @CCP_Dr.Mengele telling them to do what ever they want.

They should stick with people like you and Bluelysian and listen to the people who do all the work in Rookie Help.


Do regular backups, keep multiple saves in case one corrupts. Risk management 101.

Why are there insurance in RL? You will not be able to avoid loss of something at all times. But if possible, you can mitigate the impact.

I outlined my solution proposal, take out the emotional part of ship loss as much as possible. Make it a part of the natural solution space. For example let players solve a tough puzzle by throwing at multiple ships and bodies.

I have not answered or commented your prior messages,

But now i think i MUST answer . But not to defend myslef but to help you to gain some insight :

But if someone thinks that being emotional from video game is stand for some abnormal situation . And you do imply it with suicidal cases… there is 2 major issue here:

I do run content analysis on your 2 messages :

  1. Emotional detachment : generalizing the idea feeling emotions from video game is reflects the dimentions of your psychological strength, self esteem, self confidence , and your coping mechanism with the world.
    You must be hopelessly trying to isolate yourself from all emotional reactions and that lvl is so high… even you approach to a video game with this detached mental status and use these sentence.

That lvl of emotional detachment we see on

  1. Bipolars who are under some spesific meds effect .
  2. Sociopaths , psychopaths and some other cluster B personality disorders.

Coming to a forum post . And being in deep need to write these 2 times while not capable to hold any conversation related to main subject,

Also resembles very heaviliy Bipolar personality disorder characteristic “ pressured speech “ criterias . So i will use my vote for bipolar . And i know someone who has banned from game, as well as who were very delusuional and obsessed about me and carry on harasment which CCP cant do anything but banning . And actively still playing game under different names and write in forums active too.

Reflecting your emotional bluntness along with implying person suicidal ideas.

Clearly show that you are not using emotional detachment in right place and right time , but very patalogic lvl.

You need help.

About me . Me and my team trained for years to be able to work in extreme conditions which sometimes even human lost his humanity .

We do also trained for interfere suicide and child sexual abuse cases. So for me and other 15, has been always risk for suicidal tendencies natural result of the job we need to carry.

So we always be open and clear to emphasize our feelings and when we think about these kind of things we are always under mandatory therapy and supervision ourselves too. That how things work in the area.

You carry your thoughts by implying suicide ideas.

No i wont suicide for a video game. Im very strong person with very high mental and psychological awareness around the subject…

In fact that was one of the reason we have been choosen for the job. We are very clever and strong personality traits which help us work at the edge of the death risk.

So im definately more risk free than any other people. I dont mind to talk about these or mention.

@Tipa_Riot and you reflecting emotional detachment very heaviliy He also carry this on some lvl of making generalisations up against common sense and reality loss.

You two need help . But i cannot provide that you here. Nobody can do it.

There is a post up there. And this thread focused on that post.
Please orient yourself .


That’s easily solved :slightly_smiling_face: ccp ghost - Eve Vegas 2019 which is worth a full viewing.

In essence I agree with the gist of these points.

The UI is the very first point of contact with the game. It’s complex, because our sandbox allows and demands us to do complex things in detail. That requires, as I mentioned earlier, documentation.
The NPE, or rather the first hours of gameplay, focus on 4 aspects (industry, business, exploration, combat), but without anything definite in connecting those with the UI. Only good ol’ blue Aura does that, in a very limited way.

Now, of course - and rightfully so - some of the vets may say “we started with even less”. While true it is also a fact that EvE in those days was a niche product with a cult following. It took years to crawl out of that hole, if it ever did… It was also Eve’s (and ccp’s) fortune that it had a cult following, it assured its longevity ! CCP knows this, when they make statements like “some players continue to play Eve because they are too stubborn to give up”. And I assume CCP goes one step further and recognizes a fact rarely heard on these forums: that the current generation of new players has been brought up differently, not having lived through at least some of the pioneering that went on in the game industry and not having dealt with less comfortably designed games as we vets have.

However, I am concerned that their current approach to ease the growing pains of new capsuleers are all geared towards focus on those perpetually same 4 game elements. Even their new skill plan approach (on Sisi) focuses heavily on it. That is misleading the new player - who may be tricked into believing that Eve somehow makes them decide into a role early on, like they would pick a tank, healer, magic user, etc in other games. And they do so while skipping that same step, documenting the User Interface. Every opportunity during those first hours should be seized to combine both the gameplay aspects (those 4 elements) and exploring the UI.

In my opinion one interesting, and perhaps successful approach would be to push the new player interactively through the paces, if possible even in a sort of Valkyrie like fashion - if some of you have played it or seen the footage of that ccp VR game. Put the new player into a ship, put him in a situation, explain it, pause it when necessary, whatever, then continue with the next step. Hold the new player in a parallel universe until he/she pushes the button “I feel ready to continue”. Yeah, not something one can develop in a year or two… but something the current generation may need as an entry point ?

But for Bob’s sake, ccp, couple anything you do for the NPE with the explanation of the UI.

And if coupling the use of the UI with exploring the game is what @bluelysian is doing successfully, then ccp should pay more attention to that fact. On a much smaller scale, and without checking if people actually continued playing later on, I had similar experiences when trying to teach a few rookies some UI aspects, ranging from shortcut key commands to the intricacies of dscanning, letting them experience a basic aspect like turret tracking. For all of them it was an eye opener, they finally felt they understood something and made progress. Their next hurdle was to connect with the community and become part of it.


That is right. This also very heavy status quo bias. Time has changed, game has changed… but many old players still carry this bias and sadly they took it out of CCP and new player base.

What you will see in this thread very often is: so many people who doesn’t comment on the OP buy come with personal attacks or very non related messages which sometimes very slightly touch of the subjects outer circle but not the heart.
That was something i have been expecting,

I have been also expecting that how players will self proof and resemble Some of the patterns i had introduced in OP. So that way its also hillarious.


CCP Ghost is a data analyst . I have met him. He is the closest one comparing the rest of CCP who can read these and possibly have less struggle to grab what im talking about.


The core of your posts is, loss in EvE is like RL loss and needs psycho treatment (by you), and players who try to detach themselves from “losses” in video games must be psychopaths, needing treatment too.

I wouldn’t want you near anybody close who I care about.


THIS. Is something @CCP_Convict @CCP_Dopamine @CCP_Fleebix @CCP_Fozzie MUST read too . It underlines some of the principles i have based my approach to the New Player Experience.

One more addition: actually i have been planning to make a post only dedicated on this :
Tutorials and initiation : CCP needs a educational planner . Someone who knows how to make deduction , induction, task analysis, perspective analysis. Educational needs analysis , prioritise and task order at the initiation stage of the game .

The way they are doing atm is TOTALLY counterproductive .
You cannot make a tutorial or such for that much complex game like that .
This is straight Amatour

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Orient yourself. at least read the
OP before you write here,
You seem to be just writing here to be write something. That thing you mentioned is already CCP doing not me . And thats also what im not supporting, criticising and suggesting a much more effective solution to them.

Either your limited understanding skills prevents you to grab the essence… or and great possiblity you didnt even read the thread . But you just writing without knowing.
If what you get is this from all that post. I will not answer any of your messages more. As i mentioned some fine tactics based on scientific well researched implications which used on healthy population.

Post requires some degree of expertise , intelligence and reasoning skills to be able to understand . Even i tried to my best to present it as simple as possible . Sory.

Yours “oh im the hard man . Hulk ! Smash ! Butcher attitudes cannot solve any problem … in fact its one of the reason also ccp failing . Butcher sensitivity to approach solutions . not helpfull. Please


If they actually made playing the game, like fun, then…

Wait is this a really heavily obfuscated EvE is dying thread?

Nah, more like shouting armor hacs, Armor Hacs, ARMOR HACS :rofl:


Please read the OP

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What do you teach players how to survive and thrive in a super competitive harsh environment?

  1. Risk management
  2. Control your emotions
  3. Get all the knowledge to increase situational awareness

Does CCP’s NPE do that? Last I heard they are letting players fight stupid NPCs with a pulse laser Astero.


I did. It seemed to be about how CCP views its players.

It doesn’t
And in the initiation process there is a limit CCP can introduce. Due to games complex structure. And extreme interconnectedness.

Therefor i do set focus on optimisation in my OP.
More professional scientifically backed up approaches. Not ■■■■■■■ theraphy .

Learning game by experiencing is optimal yes. But there is some strategies to frame this mindset.

And also therefor i have mentioned “social integration policies “ CCP doesnt have one… and its ABSOLUTE ridiculous and hard to believe example of laziness of that size company !

Social integration is the base for supporting new players integrate into both community and ingame mechanics and mindset .

I like the word you use alot “risk management “ thats what i ahve been teaching. … not risk averse, not totally risk taking mindlessly … and risk management involves and requires solid understanding and knowledge about game mechanics self awareness as well as enviromental awareness. CCP cannot give that . Community DOES

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EvEs nature though as a backstabbing trust no one game doesnt lend itself very easily to the open friendliness of FFXIV’s guilds, nor does it have a zero tolerance policy on anti social behaviour, so Im pretty sure CCP could easily do a lot more if they wanted to retain players better.

Seems to me the churn model of income is what they like now. Im guessing theres a lot of ex-phone shop marketters working for them now.

Certainly true in the longer term, and even never ending.

It’s the very first steps (first hours and days) that require attention in terms of NPE: they need to learn the controls of the vehicle first. Questions like “how do I fly this thing” are very common in Rookie Help, and “why am I not hitting this target, it’s within optimal”. etc. And those are from people who dare to ask questions, bob knows how many there are who figure it out for themselves, or how many who just give up (sometimes with a yell of frustration in Rookie Help).


Its totally about CCP and how they are operating a multiplayer game with a community nearly 20 years old. It analyse the reasons of failiures and presents it simply because of they are stumbling and thrashing every economical behavioral and social psychological facts and terms . Drowning in their own status quo bias and their own stagnation along with a suggestions how to breake it through .

So critics, solution suggestions . Path and strayegy to turn the sails


Yes, so EvE is dying unless they change is the premise.

And I agree, but EvE will change signifigantly if they do what needs to be done.

If growth = success then what they will need to do is going to be very unpalettable to many veteran players.

More so than what they are attempting in the last few years.