Linux Mint, Steam and EVE

How did I miss this? Another convert to the glorious world of Linux.

This step is not mandatory, but it makes it easier as the work around is painful as I documented Pop_OS! & EVE Online ← here.

Its problematic, as the ‘eve launcher’ will redirect the login URL to a browser, the browser doesn’t know how to direct the response back into the launcher that is wrapped by wine.

Yeah, that may not be an EVE specific issue, many games on linux need this as a de facto step.

DX11 and Medium shader is the key.

Oh its extremely high, eve on linux uses over twice the resources it does on windows for some reason.

Its not, its consistent with other people with same specs, especially those who try and run more than one account.

If you get stuck, post here and I will see what I can do to assist, I don’t mind doing a new linux install now and then to try and troubleshoot issues.

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