Im for sale! Will sell to highest reasonable and fair offer and under the usual Selling requirements
- Currently in NPC corp
- I pay the transfer
- I receive the ISK
- Positive wallet
- No kill rights
- Located in Amarr
- No implants to mention
- Remap ready, no extra remaps
64361609 total SP
No negative standing
Remap Available
4 JC
JF lvl 5
Cap ships lvl 5
Gallente Carrier lvl 5
available for immediate Xfer contact can be made in game via an alt
hi and thank for the offer, I was hoping for a touch more maybe? how much can you budge?
Hi, I can push for 53B offer
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Welshlegend …well im having a good day in RL so you have a deal at 53b send isk and details
Congratulations on your good day <3 Details and ISK sent
Just Transferred - enjoy!
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