Little things / Small QoL suggestions

First of all I’d like to apologize if this has already been mentioned. I also don’t know if this is among the “QoL” changes coming in near future expansion/patch (with the stuff mention in the FanFest 2018 Keynote).


Set Input/Output destinations on Extractor/Factory rather than for the extracted/produced material itself.

Keywords: PI QoL, Extractor(s), Factory(ies), Optimization (less clicking)

Notes: Reduce amount of clicking when managing your Planet Colonies.
At the time of writing this, whenever you first pick a Raw Material or when you change the Raw Material to extract, you have route the extracted/produced material(s) to a destination (Storage or Factory). This must be done every single time you either change material you want to extract or whenever you change Schematic in your Factories. As any PI Veteran knows, this involves a lot of unnecessary clicking.

Instead (of the above), make routing be tied to and between Extractor, Storage and/or Factory (with support for multiple Source/Destination).

As an added bonus, could make Factories do a “Take All” or “Take None” check before starting it’s production, so that you don’t waste potentially valuable PI commodities when switching Schematics


Facilities used: 1 Extractor, 2 Storage (“Warehouse” and Launch Pad) and 3 Factories

Let’s say that you route Extractor 1 to Storage 1, and in Factory 1,2 and 3 you have set Storage 1 (Warehouse) as “source” and routes output to storage 2 (Launch Pad). Then regardless of which material the Extractor is extracting it will always route it to Storage 1, and regardless of the Schematic used in Factory 1,2 and 3 they will always gather material(s) from Storage 1 and route product to Storage 2.