[LLMSS] Llama Sombrero Syndicate (C2 HS/C3) is recruiting new members!

We are a new wormhole corp (US/EU) operating out of a C2 H/3 statics. This means that we have direct access to anywhere in hisec and access to great krabbing in our C3. This setup is great for newbros and anyone looking to dip their toes into jspace without too much serious commitment.

✪ Direct access to anywhere in hisec through our HS static
✪ Great Krabbing, Gas, Exploration through our C3 Static
✪ Decent casual PI
✪ Best exploration content available in jspace for newbros (Do you want to make 30-100m/h in a 1mil ship on day 1?)
✪ We use discord for comms (the alliance uses teamspeak) and Galaxyfinder for mapping

We are a part of The Burning Contingent Alliance, which offers to our members access to

✪ Great buyback program (up to 95% Jita sell on PI/Explo loot in the hole)
✪ Hisec and Losec mining operations with Orca boosts
✪ Scheduled pvp roams, trig hunting
✪ Industry platforms based out of Hisec and in hole
✪ Alliance store to source ships and modules

From our members, we require
✪ Willingness to learn the mechanics of Jspace (Scanning, mapping, and rolling)
✪ Nothing else

For more information or questions please join our discord Llama Sombrero Syndicate


We’re still recruiting!

Just look at all this gas I’ve huffedimage

Recruitment is still open

Recruitment is still open

Recruitment is still open

We’re still recruiting!

We’re still recruiting

Cant wait to run into yall in the Dark! Be Scary! If you ever migrate out of that HS Alliance we have a dark one you can join =)

Recruitment is still open

Recruitment is still open

Recruitment is still open

Recruitment is still open

Recruitment is still open

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