Some people acquire assets which they do not want to part with, but are not currently using. A collateralised loan is a way to access the equity in that particular assets while not having to part with it. For instance (this may be a bad example because I have experience in neither of these things), if I owned some capital ships in null sec, and I dont’ want to part with them but have come up with some money-making idea which requires money to begin the process, I would put those ships up as collateral and take my loan. Some trustworthy third party would hold the ships until I pay back the money. If I don’t pay the money back, the trusted third party can then transfer the asset to the wronged party or sell it and transfer the isk to the wronged party.
After doing the above successfully with no foul business for however many number of times, people may grow to trust me on these forums, and I may then be able to obtain an uncollateralised loan or people may start to notice what I’m doing to make money and buy shares of my corp if I offer them up for sale, so that they can get in on the money making process too.
There are other instances where the reward is high and the risk is low. For instance, if someone came on these forums asking for a 1 billion loan with the offer of 5% interest over 3 months, uncollateralised, 1 billion is not a lot to some folks, and so some folks may take the risk of losing that billion in order to gain (does the math) $5,000,000??? That doesn’t seem right…
Well, anyways, all about risk vs reward.
As for the corporate ownership/tax-farm thing, I’m assuming again that the purchaser would want to use a trusted third party to hold the money in trust until the transfer of the corporation was completed.
There are a number of trusted third parties that use these forums. I only lurk and have just returned, so I don’t know the names of any of these trusted third parties, except I remember there being Elizabeth Norn or something like that, and Chribba (though not sure if either are still around?).
In both situations, the person putting up the isk can gain more isk by risking what they have. The person asking for the loan or selling the corp can gain isk as well as trust and the potential to expand. Number 1 rule in business: if you’re not expanding, you’re dying.
I’m sure others have more answers, but that’s how I see this all.