Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

I’m rushing a little while I type, what I meant was one account to one person is not a suggestion anyone is pushing to be implemented.

You go ahead and ignore the rest of what I said, that is exactly what I expect from you excessive account owners.

As yours matters just as little as anyone else’s now.

Finally on eve vegas CCP admits “blackout did not change pvp numbers”.

All those “pvp hungry” ganktards left literally zero impact on pvp, as expected.

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Even more reason to keep it. Blackout lowered AFK playstyles and people actually at keyboard playing didn’t go down. Sounds like a win to me.


Even less reasons to keep it.

Blackout didn’t increase what it advocated, and people actually at keyboard playing like me have unsubbed. In other words, a major failure.


Ah but it did. It decreased mass isk faucets from AFK playstyles while not nerfing PVP. So Yes, a win. Blackout should come back.


Hell no. BO gets back, it will be the end of EVE and CCP will need to find new jobs because of their stupidity.

And as far as their “blackout did not change PVP numbers”, that is utter lie and CCP knows it. But they still refuse to recognize and take responsibility for their screw up…

You don’t know that. Like I said, I know many people that resubbed because of BO and wanted it to stay,. Plus many that at first didn’t like it were adjusting and didn’t think it was so bad. So, really you are talking about your own feelings as a BO whiner rather than for all of players in the game. Sure they might lose a few of you, but the game likely would in the end be just fine once the dust settled.


You’re wrong. It didn’t do anything to AFK playstyles (miners and ganktards in hisec didn’t feel a thing), but it reduced my not-even-1%-AFK playstyle to zero.

So, yes, a major fail, the only achievement of which is losing my sub money and gaining my reluctance to invest it under any threat of this major fail repeating (I hope CCP learns from their failure).

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Ok so then yet again you contradict yourself. If BO didn’t effect most people because they are in highsec then CCP wouldn’t be out of the job for keeping it. LOL.

The only failure was you to adapt, whiner.


Disagreed. The numbers showed everything. a huge number of players stopped playing because of the BO and havent come back. And even with CCP trying to screw the data with SP, it still went down and crashed to lows not seen in years

Your failure is your total fault at reading comprehension and general comprehension. You said about “AFK playstyles” and I rebutted that, but then the fountain of piss probably hit your sorry excuse for a brain and it jumped to “most people” and twisted my point of where “AFK playstyles” usually dwell to something along the lines of who was affected where and how. Please stop the piss fountain from hitting your brain before typing.

I have perfectly adapted out of my subscription fees, while the blackout literally did nothing otherwise, as numbers clearly state, making it a clear major failure.

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Yawn, BO was during a time when the numbers are lower anyway, there were a lot of bots banned, etc.

Sorry, but not all of EVE feels the same as you.

given the keynote, I dont think they learned anything but hide and lie

Of course what they said was a sorry ass attempt at damage control, as usual. We can only hope, and of course encourage our attending mates to make it pretty damn apparent this damage control is tricking nobody… well, except morons like @Algathas

Even with summer time, there are enough stats around to show that because of BO numbers went even further down than during traditional summer.

The issue is no one is willing to call out CCP in public about anything. Heck, someone should have screamed “Lie” when he made the comment about “blackout did not change PVP”

Yup, we can encourage all those in favor in BO to keep up saying that it should be back. People shouldn’t be listening to whiners with piss fountain fetishes like yourself.

Specially for you, I remind you that numbers on blackout were LOWEST IN THE DECADE. Literally 2006 throwback.

All those happy subbers were mostly poser-posting, as expected.

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We had the stream, and we had the stream comments. According to these, it is wrong to address “all those in favor in BO” as plural.

Might as well be true. All those trigger-happy “pvp-oriented” ganktards literally doing nothing, while the usual pvp core bruising it as usual, is pretty much what I expected and what CCP confirmed, making blackout just as much of a failure as expected.