Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

Lulz this post is up to 4200 posts. Tons of first time post, definitely not afk ratters mad that their easy income will be disturbed :wink:



are you saying the majority of nullsec is nubs?

You’re assuming a lot about their comprehension abilities & of a gaming service they’ve been working, building and evolving for over a decade, soon to be 2 decades even. Pretentious much?

But do you boo. Do you. Vent.

This change is amazeballs and some of us psychotics been asking for it forever.
It is good to shake things up. Change is good. Drastic change and being forced to adapt is even better.

Cheers, hugs, love & peace.

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oh yeah what you gonna go to Play ? wow? let me join

Are you as bad at the game as you sound?

Dunno… if you read some of the salt, some almost admit that they bot…

Is cool af as they will really start to live up to the name ‘recon’ and not really just an ewar boat.


As a uber hardcore WH veteran that flys ships with so much bling my hull is blue and light green, and I shoot all weapon types at once which instakill all but concord, I totally say nullibears are all scrubs! Aaaaahhaahahah.

Nah, not all of ya are. but I can say that nullibears do have in the majority a bunch of lazy dinguses who will get lazy-checked when local is gone.
There are also a lot of hardcore duders in nullsec that I totally look forward to good fights, ganks, and even getting ganked by.


In OUR heads, this will be a magical land where all the bots and krabs will begone to safe space and stop littering PvP space with utterly useless greedy gits that really do f ll for the game but krab, stroke their wallet and occsionally join a blob so they can hotdrop a super and make out like they’re* a pvper.


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He’s really not. Every time CCP makes a major change, certain groups among the players work out the rough shape of what their responses will be, how that change can be abused, and just how stupid allowing that abuse is.

Then we tell them ‘Here’s how this can be abused. If someone abuses it, they will have an advantage. We cannot risk someone else having an advantage over us just because they are willing to make the most of a mechanic you provide, so we will do this too, and we will do more of it, because we have the numbers to do more of it. The net result of this abuse will be bad. Please do not put us in a position where we feel we have to do this in order to maintain our competitiveness’.

Then they do it. And we abuse it, just like we told them we would. And they go ‘Gosh, nobody could’ve predicted THAT…’

Ishtars Online
Uberboot/Wrecking Ball sentry-carrier/supercarrier fleets.
Rorqual Mining.

If I really wanted to, I could go put together a list of how this plays out every goddamned year.

CCP’s devs have a lot of good ideas, and they’re very capable people. They are also very few people, compared to the number of brains looking at ‘where does this break?’ among the players. If you really think they have, in an era where they’ve cut personnel to the bone and lost their econ guy (Dr. E) and their primary Quant (CCP Quant), a solid comprehension of the complexity of their game, you’re nuts.

And they keep demonstrating that.

They need to at least double the size of their team. The devs are smart people, working hard. Reward them with more smart people to help them, CCP.


Heh, I just skimmed some of it at this point. You know a change/mechanic meant to shake things up is epically good when you hit 4200 forum posts in under 3 days.

Well done CCP!


Usually goons lmao

I didn’t wanna point that out. :wink:


I knew it! Just more 1k posts to reach the length of that thread, but in salt this has more than surpassed it.

There are slow-freighters filled to the brim with salt.
it is glorious.

at this point, I’d say there’s enough salt to likely fill a citadel
kinda like when you manage to have a corpse locker so full that you can’t open it without crashing anymore. and now I can’t see my good meatcicles… mittens, jin’, a ccp dude from a roam… makes me sad sometimes

Stop assuming that null space was purely made for pvp. If it was they wouldn’t have put anoms, asteroids and other isk sources in it in the first place. The whole point of null space is for large scale sov wars held by empires that can look after their territory and defend their soldiers. They placed content there specifically for people to generate an isk income. It’s meant to be more risky yes, but it’s not supposed to be so risky that new players who want to get involved in the large scale sov politics are too afraid to undock. The extreme risk/reward ratio is meant for wh space, it’s not like you ‘leet pvpers’ can’t go there.

This game is about more than pvp, and it’s certainly about more than easy miner/ratter kills. If you honestly think making the pvp aspects of the game as dangerous as possible is good for Eve then you’re ■■■■■■■ delusional. All your easy kills are just gonna stop playing the game and then you’ll go and whine to CCP about how pvp needs to be balanced so you can kill all the people who are actually better than you.


I am tired of reading all the non-salt.
If you are as happy about this as I am please refrain from posting. All your happy posts are interfering with my salt intake.



Dude, get a grip.

@CCP_Fozzie @CCP_Falcon: Why do you stay cloaked since Friday? Come here and announce start of “no local” in null-sec. I am tired of waiting. Let’s do it! Let’s vote!


I live in null sec and although I think it will be harder to mine safely I like it. The fact that intel has primarily come from chat is stupid. Intel should require active recon like in real life. This change will force corps and alliances to better coordinate to ensure safety. I don’t see that as a bad thing at all.

I would love to see some changes to improve Dscan. Maybe the ability to auto scan instead of spamming the key? Also what about modules to improve Dscan range or to identify friend from foe? That way we can fit true recon ships to patrol our space.