7 seconds is an eternity in PvX.
It takes 0-1 second to warp.
The cyno doesn’t decide on if the PvE, miner, or whatever is a bad pilot… in a way, a hunter is like Condord in that they punish bad pilots.
Many of the large blocks have entry requirements, i.e. bring a super and fax alt, no ratting allowed and other lovely stuff like participation links.
Huh? As long as everyone pays their SRP and doesn’t insult the Emperor(Ess) I don’t think Providence really has much in the way of expectations on folk. Wasn’t it Corebloodbothers who was a FC on ‘Providence’ side, who was revealed to be a war profiteer later, deliberately whelping fleets, when they left the CSM?
Every major block looks like they own their own region. Providence looks like its been carved up by gang bangers and hoodlums all with their own turf, like that old movie “The Warriors”.
Why would the crypts and the bloods hang out in the same channel, except to insult each other?
LOL. Didn’t most of Providence flip red in the last war? Not much of a buffer when the guns are liable to do a 180.
You can still talk in local, so everybody knows you are there.
That requires you to be around though Not off watching a film
(I’m explicitly taking about afk cloaky camping. Cloaky camping is unaffected)
Yeah, so the cloaker gets another advantage…they can dscan from cloaked position and now others won’t even know they are in system. As if cloaky campers needed more of an advantage than they already have.
CCP has always stated “don’t undock if you can’t afford to lose it!”, or many other similar statements.
Nullsec was always meant to be the wildwest of EVE.
Wormholes as far as i see it became to true wildwest after nullsec changed into…
…well into the westcoast, loosing it wildness.
For wanking I’d imagine. Less wank, more dscan.
If you see them on dscan and it’s too late, it’s because you’re falling in two categories of stupid pilot:
In a subcap and not aligned, not in fleet/comms, or just… lazy
In a cap and not well defended.
I need some cheese to go with all this whine. And an antacid cause this is some salty af whine.
‘Participation links’ meaning ‘you need to go on 3 strategic fleets of any sort in 3 months’. That’s not exactly a massive ask in exchange for all of the benefits you get.
yes, none of us know anything about watching a gate or using dscan.
No way at all to know if folks are about.
Right, but that won’t tell you when people log in. If your aim is to keep them from undocking, then you need to know when they log in, still docked. Unless you’re spending all of your time bouncing between the structures to track the number of people docked in them, you don’t get that info.
Could I dock up, quick chk whos there, undock, warp off and still not be on local?
If you can dock up, the locals have a lot more of a problem than a cloaky camper. They’ve got an awoxer.
Fair enough.
and this intel is a thing that should not be taken away? I have a suspicion that if we sat down and talked we would find ourselves agreeing more often than disagreeing.
For some that’s apparently too much to take a break from their Turbo-crabbing.
I’m not too hung up on it getting or not getting taken away, really. It’ll be what it’ll be.
However, if the residents are losing the intel Local provides, the hunters should lose the intel the map provides.
And frankly, if CONCORD’s not providing the services we pay them for, we should get a break on our sov bills.
And they can get their fool butts blown up for all we care.
I already knew the answer, I just wanted conformation. Thanks!
OK, how about a scanner that shows how many online players docked up in a structure for the hunter group?
You haven’t dealt with citadels and other upwell structures, have you? If you’re on-grid, you highlight the structure. At the end of the name, there’s a number, like [3] or [264].
That’s how many people are docked and online in it.
Sorry, no I am not, that’s why I ask instead of spew.