Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

I’For an additional fee, Concord should protect us
The amount of the fee and its scope can be determined.

Almost 4300 posts now and still 24 people have contributed almost a third of all posts:

31% of posts (1320 of 4264).

Not that there is anything wrong with that.


well, that’s how discussion works, usually. People keep talking back and forth.


you must be a smart one, thats why you need local removed to aid you in catching some wankers.

I’m actually here because I care. The game hasn’t recovered from the last exodus and I’m worried. I enjoy the salt while I try to learn if there is any merit to their arguments. Any of us here who are even a couple of years old know how flexible you have be to stay. I would be willing to compromise in many ways, but something has to change.

Back to rubbing salt into their wounds! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think I pass :slight_smile:

Looks like cloak is an iwb now?? but to be honest with silent local the cloakers will be very bussy so they cant camp anymore. poor cloakers did ccp tought About this ?? Breaking their Camping mechanic thats so Evil… and think bout all thoose broken Keyboards pushing V to the Limit.

I’ve been playing EVE since 2008, I’ve taken many opposing stances on game changes since then and after thinking this through I have to say with all honesty that making null sec local chat work like wormholes is absolute brilliance. The game health will improve dramatically and this is the only way to save EVE from the tragedy that happened to Serenity. If the krabs decide to unsub - good riddance, no one will miss you in the cluster. Many dedicated EVE players will step up to the plate and resub to make up for the “loss” of those who think this game should be risk free AFK mining online. I personally have spent an immense amount of real life money on EVE and seeing the devs do this restores my faith in the game. Areas like Delve need to be farmed and this change is very late but at least it is here.

Thank you Falcon!


I dont even get the intent. So now people who live in high wont go to null and peeps in null will have no targets. Dont they want more people to play EVE?


you underestimate the determination of EVE players.


MUST HIT CANCEL>>>>:laughing:

Shhhh don’t play it up to too much it’s funnier when they don’t know

This just happened.

My 3 mains are in hisec. The other 6 alts are in a WH doing PI. Its that time of the month ( :roll_eyes: ) and I have to undock a bunch of Epithals.

In the time it took to run one load and try to make another run, a player wreck showed up on D-scan. Causing me to beat a hasty retreat instead of completing what I wanted to do.

PUSH the damm button like I have to.

Edit; in almost 2 years, I have only lost one Epithal in the WH. Play smart, not afk.


So you are already rich.
Why are you still farming?

You bring up a good point! Why bother to play a game that’s designed for active engagement if your not going actively engage in it? I never did get that part?

same reason people do in real life, the bills keep coming.

Why pay the bill when your not getting much entertainment for it? Is just a way to not listen to the wife like me?

Edit; at least I pay to not listen to her.

Edit 2; NEVER marry a redhead.


There was a straw poll linked in the comments. Last I saw it 53% of the voters said it was a good thing,
20-something% said it was bad and the rest was mixed between the other options.


So you are admitting to RMT?
Or are you a renter?
Letting Eve become a second job and you still play? That’s kind of sick, dude.

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You should have done your homework and relinked it to prove it. (I’m to lazy to look, does that make me a Goon?) I don’t doubt it, but Goons started their social media attack yesterday so it doesn’t surprise me.

EDIT; Woot, that lights up the reply’s again!

Edit 2; I have to get off the forums and start refitting ships. Mine are years outta date.