yeah all that sounds good… except the MASS majority of the games pop lives in null… WH space is underpopulated… If there is a mass exodus/players un-subbing in null… that “beautiful site of a NS static” will mean nothing except content that “used to be there” and you cheered it on.
So true, fun in bed, and out on the town, but not to marry.
Been there, done that, got the scares to prove it…
I’ve got a bucketfull of these demotivational things.
How many times do I need to relink it? ■■■■ you’re lazy, let me guess you’re against the local deletion?
next you’re going to want the link so you can vote in it instead of hitting backspace twice, but I’m only willing to enable so much laziness
If I could only give you more likes! At least someone understands why I fear nothing in this game!
My bad, I didn’t take my own advice to not feed the trolls.
Been around the block a few times in EVE, seen a lot of changes when ive been on, even was around to see the T2 release, see nulsec launched on the server, even did one way 56 jump ammo runs to null in fast Omens.
And Redheads, had a few, married one, and moved on.
Eve… of course is a game of intense PvP combat, but it is also a game of science, exploration, industry, economy… Knuckle draggers like yourself try and turn into just a “Herp Derp Call of Duty bruh”
yawn… 168 votes. all told to go there by some derp twitch streamer prob. And the “I won’t log until its fixed” option is VERY misleading. They could mean the opposite of what you think.
Pro tip. Don’t use epithal to haul PI as it’s a form of free Intel and makes finding you without probes easier cause they know your at a planet.
All I want is a fair crack at the big alliances again from a small corp of piranha. Null ifs a gift to those are willing to fight for it. But they used to have to fight to get to hisic with their wares. Now there’s no way to stop the machine. I was a Goon for a short period of time, just to much noise for me. To me, they are the pros to beat. I just wanted to be one of Robin Hoods Merry Men taking the Kings gold.
and yet the #1 vote is still? Maybe you can read it out for my poor tired eyes.
That poll was originally posted in a different thread here… That thread was using the poll to prove how the game would die without local.
Agreed. It might have been more effective to have a model for diminishing returns on over populated systems. Go ahead and upgrade but if you push it too hard those wonderful belt rocks start looking more and more like high sec with time. Other simple controls on the glut of combat could be a simple as a maintenance charge for supers or needing to pull them out of mothballs with a delay–want multiple supers–sure go ahead–but it’s going to cost you every month to keep it combat ready.
I just hope CCP does this blackout in a fun way. Flashing local like it was trying to come on line once in a while-- a bulletin board at the gate with status updates etc.
ahh yes all true… but… those giant capital fleets that MADE the NEWS where only possibly because of the VAST resources their alliance was ABLE to MINE!!! REEEE!!!\
Thanks, a lot of whimsy is missing from the game.
I miss the smack talk in Amarr, thanks everyone.
have the local message cut off midway through with ERROR or something in a font twice the size? I’d feel let down if they did nothing.
Would add to the rpg side of EVE