Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

thanks ssp I now have paranoia and feverish pressing the v button

Nah, I automatically assume that the person complaining about “This nerf only hurts PVErs” never actually done any PVP hunting before.

If you stay in Low sec and High sec, you will get a warning. If you are in null sec, that means you need an ally to keep an eye out for you. Lets reverse your statement: ‘I think it pretty stupid that I spend 30 minutes dodging gate camps to get into a system, and once I find a logistical hub of an alliance they all get an early warning that I have absolutely no control over, forcing me to wait for literally days to actually get a target, that stupid as ■■■■’

Forgive me, it been a while. Yes I made error and yes I remember that change. Forgive me I made a mistake, however the rest of the points still stand.

If you are in null sec, you are now required to work with other people. SHOCK GASPS, there are other ships besides supers. You can have others watching the gates; last I checked, other people besides ‘gankers’ can fly cloaking ships. You have a number of solutions; fit warp stabs, work in an alliance with more than two people, monitor gates, ■■■■ man. If you are really that scared, use Prospects, work with blackop battleships and covert cyno your ore out through blockade runners.

You have so many options to you it kinda sad to think that your creativity becomes limited to just using local intel networks.


Everything in that massive wall of text can be countered with “Interceptorsrecons and covops exist”

Ffs you’re frustratingly dense


Yeah, it me that dense, the person that is offering you suggestions in ways to counter getting ganked.

News flash, there no 100% guarantee safety, much like how those that participate in pvp are not guaranteed 100% chance of winning or even getting a kill at all.

In terms ratting you are wrong. quick reactions mwd at 70km use maybe stabs and cheap drones and change orbit every 20 secs. even an interceptor would struggle to catch a cruiser before you warp out unless he got lucky and landed right on you.

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Eve is a sandbox. not a shooting gallery where you choose to be a target or a shooter.

When we signed up, where did it say" If you want to mine or rat you will die a lot because thats how the game needs to be and people will have to hunt you and succeed or we will change the game to make them do so"

It didnt. It said its a sandbox, theres pvp, pve, and if you want to mine you can.


You are right, it is a sandbox, which means other people can come around and kick down your sand castle, what are you going to do about it? You going to cry like a wee babe, or are you going to stand up to them?

You imbecile, pve players have BEEN standing up to them denying them content using the only thing they had, intel, for years.

CCP , the GAME DEVELOPERS took that away, and the only way to “stand up to them” is to do like you idiots did and cry a ■■■■■■■ bitchfit river to CCP until they hand pve changes that put things back in balance.

Yeah since mobilizing two-three BLOPS BSs, with fuel trucks plus bombers tackle and a hunter is totally 0 effort.

Hint: BLOPS have restricted jump/portal range and can’t carry close to enough of either.

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I mean, I get what you’re saying, but really, 30 whole minutes? Cry me a freakin’ river. When you’ve spent a month setting up a hit, only to have it blown because some other group came in and took sov from the guys you were hunting, then you can whine.

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I’m guessing weren’t around in the early years, or when nullsec was first made available.

Dscan and Intel channels. Local is a crutch.

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covops and logofftraps and recons are crutches too

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Seriously, the tools of the trade in both directions are what they are. And right now, one of ‘em ain’t. Such is freakin’ life.

Oh soo funny - As it was designed - I always get such a laugh when you see newbies post this to explain Eve game play.

Eve was never “designed” to be played in any way other than the way players wanted to play it. CCP gave us maps, ships, roids and a bit of other stuff and let us do with it as we chose.

As for multi boxers - This game was founded and grew on multi boxing, I have 14 accounts, most with 3 chars. All do different things in all aspects of the game. I’ve never botted but will admit to spending a great deal of time hunting them when I get the opportunity.
New/er players especially are under the illusion, if you multi box you must be a bot. Sorry but you are wrong there are many of us out there who have been playing for many years that have never botted accounts. I used to get offended when others accused me of botting, now i just brush it off, I know the truth and really don’t care what others think. You see me and believe I’m botting, attack me, see what happens :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh by the way - Yes I could be called a “gold miner” if you choose. I have amassed a reasonable amount of isk, I’m by no means “rich” compared to some but my game play means I can lose and replace my stuff many times over. To me this is more than acceptable as CCP “designed” the game so i could play the way I CHOOSE.

NB; For those who missed it earlier, I’ve just come back after a year off (resubbed my main 3 days before blackout). I’m looking forward to see how this change pans out, although I personally don’t believe it will achieve CCP’s goal (more destruction), it will be interesting…

Be like Brave you pansies

Yeah, I said that Brave. Dude loses a Rorq to a titan reships to a HICTOR tackles the mofo and gets in the KM.

^^ That is playing eve…you whiners.


Not at all. Those are ships that are meant to be used the way they get used. Local however was never at any point supposed to be an alarm.

And Jetcans were never supposed to be used for group mining. And yet, they were. It doesn’t matter how crap is ‘supposed’ to be used. You use it however you can, because that’s the game CCP made.

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Eh. I’m just saying. Even before blackout if you were waiting for them to show up in local before you docked you ■■■■■■ up. Intel should have picked them up early and you should have been in the middle of reshipping to try and catch them.

Leave it to Eve to take away a feature - local chat in null - and then call the removal of that feature - content. I am not complaining I am just saying if this is the plan for future content it looks like a dark road. There will be some sadists who love null sec being wormhole space in all but J-name, but mostly people will not be able to tell who is in local so getting blapped out of the sky is imminent even more so than regularly. Hitting D-Scan every 5 seconds was never fun anyway. Let me know when this feature has gone away so I can undock. :partying_face: