Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

The difference is one promotes lazy gameplay and bad habits while the other takes extra effort and gives you higher yield. Come on. Your usually on my side about this stuff.

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So your solution is to cry like a wee babe, and insult everyone. It least we understand one another now, lol.

They have access to a local intel system even if no one has the system claimed. For two, there a good chunk of alliances that are simply not ready for null, managed to be the first one there
Then play this game of hiding whenever someone shows up to kick their sand castle down. Thus the simple result is, camp in their system literally all day, 23/7 or declaring war on their system and simply shooting their ■■■■ till they simply leave. You are in non-faction null sec where concord does not patrol nor set up any defensive structures there. Lore wise, concord just gave all of null sec the middle finger just now.

Nope, the jetcan gives higher yield because it takes less effort: you don’t have to haul back to station in each mining ship.

This isn’t about sides. There’s 7250+ posts in this thread, and the only one from CCP is the first one where Falcon threw some bloody chum in the water and ran like hell for the nearest high hill. Nobody’s gonna convince anybody of a damned thing, CCP ain’t reading and don’t care, and the continued nonsense in here is just getting stupid.



Knock, knock, 0.0
anybody there?

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its a sandbox. it was meant to be used how players wished to use it

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Yep. And that’s why I want to know why, lore-wise, we still have to pay our damned sov bills. Ain’t gettin’ nothin’ for 'em. As for ‘access to a local intel system’, so what? You think that stopped people from hunting? It didn’t. It just meant you had to be patient. You had to let them think you weren’t really a threat. Take the time, lay the trap. All this instant gratification ‘I want my pvp in 30 minutes or less’ crap is weak as f*ck.

Be a goddamned hunter, not some jerk who thinks he’s a big man because he used an elephant gun to blow a squirrel to hell.

Edit: and yeah, the math inverts for the defender. You come into my home, I can blow you away. I don’t care if you’re half my weight. You invaded my home. I feel threatened. So I’ll respond with overwhelming force. And before you trot out the ‘but it’s just a game’, I don’t care. You’re trying to make me do crap I don’t want to do? You get to eat my displeasure.


Might what to revisit the whole noobe thing m8.

Game was never originally design as multibox game play. Players made it that way overtime.

Kurz gesagt, der Spielspaß ist dahin, einseitige Bevorteilung derer die nur Ihren Skillboard steigern wollen. Miner und Ratter werden einseitig benachteiligt. Wer diese Art Spiel liebt kann in WH`s gehen. Ich fordere Sie auf diesen Unsinn zu stoppen. Die gesamte Anlage des Spiels wird durch diese Maßnahme zerstört.

I gotta give you props CCP this is another occasion where you are putting your money where your mouth is. It is in line with what CCP Helmar said. Something to the effect ‘I would rather make a change and create chaos than do nothing at all.’ This act is definitely thinning out the ranks. I hope you have a plan to solidify the base to build a better game going forward. You have in fact changed things and chaos has ensued. I look forward to seeing where it goes.

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Null only belongs to you, if you have the strength to defend it.

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Yeah, and you little pissants don’t have the strength to take it from us.


GO BRAVE GO BRAVE sickem guys woot a Titan kill to , I saw the fleet umbrella out of Impass 3 times today , Hunters no matter how large you are beware, your pleas for PVP were granted and have sent you all running, you may find this blackout as much fun and Mastrbating with a cheese grater slightly amusing at first but to painful in the end.

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Then you get to keep it, I never once claim people couldn’t own the space if they put up the strength for it. If you have it, good for you! That has never been the argument. However the argument has been is that this local change helps both the defender and attacker in different ways, but there are key people in this forum that want it to only benefit the defender, which is the part I protest.

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Then don’t try giving me a lecture when I say ■■■■ like ‘you invaded my home’.

You don’t have the right to null sec. If someone is stronger or craftier than you comes along, they can easily remove you.

I got the right to absolutely everything I can enforce my will upon.

We play a new game in Null Local

EVE System > Channel changed to Local : 2YXI-Z
Daryl Booker > Marco
Hardy Working > polo

And the same can be said from the mouths of those that mark you as a target.

Yep. And they’re welcome to try. Like I said: you wanna force me to do something I don’t want to do, you get to eat my displeasure.