ccp is just interested in money.they won’t be players=no money=no game
Think he does logi so +10 for logidudes everywhere.
It won’t. Miners aren’t why it’s stagnant. It’s stagnant for very simple reasons:
If you want sov, you need supers, or you won’t be able to hold it.
If you want to get enough supers to hold sov, you need to be able to build them.
If you want to build them, you need to have sov.
CCP’s made it all into a bootstrap paradox. If you don’t already have a lot of supers, you can’t take or hold sov. As a result, nobody’s willing to lose their supers, because it’ll basically mean not being able to rebuild.
It’s like the keepstar problem: if you don’t have enough supers to defend a keepstar, you can’t drop one.
If you don’t have a keepstar, you have noplace to put all those supers.
A+ work gentleman. I’m building a PC because of this expansion.
how do you think super are build bobo. "It won’t. Miners aren’t why it’s stagnant. " laughs
You would lose that is all Just like you lost this conversation , so many people were made to laugh and thank you for the salt again
first add bad content.ppl skilling sh… and then they take all their playability
it’s not a gambler bug but a developer!!!
The real effect will be reflected in the August’s MER that comes out in September and that is only if blackout holds the whole time.
No, Braniac, I pressed F1-4, watched over our positioning, kept the FC apprised of how well we were holding, and did basically everything else I do when I logi anchor. And right now, I’m considering pulling the smartbombs from our ferox doctrine, because people are idiots, and I’m the person who gets to make decisions like that.
I suggest that CCP look at the ratting and mining numbers with a break down between capital and sub cap crabbing.
It is a pain now gathering isk to do the things and buy the ships i want. Losing crabbing ships more often will cut into profits of ratting to the point it will no longer be worth the effort.
I am not going to buy plex to fund my game - i buy omega now. So if another option like hi sec crabbing or something else does not appear I might as well go alpha or leave game all together.
If bots are the problem lets hope your solution does not kill the bots and small time players crabbing at the same time.
Check the crabbing numbers and post them, might show whether this is a good or bad change.
its relative, no bears less income for bullies. myself noticed drop in blop fleets in NS since rorqs got nerfed. also have to take into consideration that people play eve for different reasons.
Not lose no, waste my time yes.
Forming 40 vs 1 is not winning by any standard.
Just shows lack of ability or usefulness.
Don’t be stupid. Yes, obviously the supers need materials to be built. But the materials don’t need to go into supers. If we were still at the stage of the game where what you needed to take and hold sov could be acquired and stored en masse in lowsec (ie: capitals, where we were only 5 years ago), mining numbers wouldn’t be an issue.
But the economy’s accretive—it snowballs. Getting to huge supercapital fleets was inevitable as soon as they went in. It was just a matter of time. So, right now we’re at a point where there’s enough of them to make them necessary (in order to oppose the other guy’s) but not enough of them to feel easy to replace. So they don’t get thrown away the way battleships and carriers do.
Will they eventually get there? Probably. Should they? Probably not. If that’s your ‘bar for entry’, then newer players either have to sit on their thumbs for 2 years, or inject their RL wallets right into their heads, and neither one of those is good. That’s without even looking at the problems it causes for smaller groups.
Actually means there is less competition which actually means the opposite of what you think.
Take note that I never mentioned miners. I said Bots and some Bears.
Now, I’ll agree fully that it’s not going to solve the Sov stagnation at all, but it might actually successfully do something about the scale of botting in Eve, and it will reduce afk-ratting to a degree by making large swathes of nullsec much harder to keep clear of potential hostiles. Hunting parties can actually do their thing now, even in places like Delve as long as they scout well and keep clear of certain main areas.
It doesn’t solve sov, but it reintroduces raiding, hunting and marauding. If you don’t bite over more than you can chew, there’s now far more possibility for PvP than there was before. The super umbrellas and potential nullsec “PvP” being reduced to “how many titans are we dropping on this citadel we’re bashing?” are now not quite as oppressive.
This is a start. Even if it only fucks with bots and some afk-ratters, it’s more than worth the price paid, because neither of those added any value to Eve.
Rorq, Super and Keepstar proliferation is another subject entirely and needs other very drastic measures to deal with, and that has to start by removing skill injectors entirely, which probably never will happen.
tl;dr: This is a good start to deal with stagnation. It’s nowhere near enough to make me sub again though. Yet.
There’s hope, is all I’m saying, if CCP actually for once manage to follow through on what they do.
This game just got really boring, really fast. Hunting is tedius and not rewarding, ratting is not profitable, mining is just stupid now. Maybe I’ll go watch the mineral prices grow.
I have no idea what that means.
yes to a certain player group. but as i mentioend take into consideration that people play eve for different reasons… i mean the charm of eve is being chipped away by bored and easily influenced developers “ideas”
that’s the mistake
I really don’t think it’ll solve botting at all. It’ll just force changes to the scripts, and what they’re watching. Right now, the key to surviving is repetitive action and monitoring gate activity. Bot scripts are good at one, and it only takes another bot on the gate, scripted to watch overviews and relay to a channel, for the other.
As for afk ratters… vOv they’ll move to Myrmidons until they get carriers, and then into supers.
But then, you know I’m a cynical bastard who expects worst-case outcomes.