Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

It will have no effect at all from botting. When you can automatize local checking ,you can as well automatize dscan checking, bots will just be little bit more vulnerable because an agressor can cloaky approach but on the other side, not many people allow themselves hunting in a no local situation, since they will as well feel more vulnerable.

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I agree, when they introduced the new rorqual changes from mining support to a super mining ship they were wrong, when they gave it invulnerability they were wrong, when they introduced a system where 30+ anoms could spring up in system they were wrong; so many wrong choices it is true.

I have, have you? if your reason for playing eve is safely making money for your wallet do you think you should be in nullsec?

If only they’d listened when some people told them that at the time…

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only if the alliance names all their ships the same thing chap and even then…

I think tbh, you understand it less than you think you do.

The name of the ship, its type and possibly distance comes up on dscan - not whether it is freindly or not.

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That requires watching every gate, keep scanning the system for new wormholes, etc etc in perpetuity. You also can’t really determine friend/foe as easily without local, which means the bots will have to skedaddle for cover for anything, including friends. You over-estimate what bot scripts will do, I think. Losing local is just way too huge a thing to reasonably script around.

And if the afk ratters move on to more and more killable ships, op success. If they have to be actually active and at the keyboard? Op success. I see no downside to this Blackout whatsoever. It’s pure win/win/win.

Still doesn’t protect against someone popping out of WH or covert Cyno so it is still an improvement compared to instant perfect intel from local.

Supercarriers really aren’t more killable than VNIs. Myrmidons, either. They just make less money, but also cost much less to begin with.

As for over-estimating what bot scripts will do… doesn’t take much. Just one of the SP-farming alts sitting tethered on a citadel in a pocket system with the probe scanner open. Fires off an alert when a new cosmic sig pops up (probes not required!) or someone not on the blue-list comes through the gate. Dead end pockets will be all the rage with the bots.

Gotta get the covert cyno into system first.

Safe mining in null might be a misnomer. It is the level of safety combined with the skills of the play that should be considered.
A 10 year player with multiple accounts who’s mining pays the bills against a first year player with one omega account trying to skill into a capital have extremely different skills, abilities and resources to adapt.
Went a capital gets scrammed by a fleet the response time can be several minutes but a covert getting scrammed by a single ship the response time is seconds.
Capitals and fleets can absorb this changes- low level solo players can not.

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Id prefer it if there were some tactics and strategy behind it all and there was permanent blackout in only no mans land - where adms and structures are not everywhere.

In home systems with high adm’s i see no reason why there shouldnt be a structure that restores it but again, id like to see something that can be played with so if you have them ten jumps out…

And thats not to say killable as one of the issues with eve is the killmail whoring so many love - id prefer op gameplay and space battles; sure kills are nice - but i love strategy.

You get the cyno, bring some “covert agents”, leave the system with cyno so that bot sees you leaving and wait in ambush.

you don’t know me . i run 2 corps null and WH , null mainly cause bunch or members just don’t want to do WH. i just prefer using different alts for different content. my pvp guy wont ever attack rats or go hack etc . i have a jita trader, i have 2 NS guy plus alts on the omegas for different reasons i am semi retired so i am a core player 8-10 hours a day everyday. do they want to lose players like that?.. hence if i was 5 different guys i would play the game for different reasons., and “2-3 of those guys” would just stop playing the game cause my WH hunter is fine he loves the black out. my rorq miner not so much. :slight_smile: and so on.

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Low level solo is a highsec game, mid level is lowsec; i solo, pvp and pve and i have no issues making isk in null even with the blackout.

Sure, but if the guy running the bots is smart, he’s not staying in there after he’s seen a cloaky come in, spend more than 2 minutes out of d-scan range (or seen it decloak on d-scan), then leave. All of that can be recorded, after all. Just fire off event logs to a chat channel.

That happens, he moves to another pocket for a few days.

And if you’re sitting in-system hunting patiently for days on end… congratulations, you could do the same thing with local, everyone but the bots would come to ignore you and be vulnerable, while the bots would… not rat, which means you’ve beaten them anyway.

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The main problem was locating bots (or any kind of super ratter) in 30+ signatures. That is why we asked ccp for a delay for 1 minute (as long as you stay cloaked after jumping a gate). If you know exactly where he is he won’t have enough time to escape a sabre…or like 5 laches…or you could even use 10 bombers to get initial tackle.

If true then all those low levels are soon to be gone from null. The level of isk generation for those low levels drops and the climb to a higher level longer and harder.
The content for null drops and the number of new players will drop.


by that count i have 6 toons i use, which i have recently subbed for the blackout.
Ive been playing 12 years; and i have another account too (and 3 alphas i think)

I have thousands of interactions wit the playerbase, for bad or for worse and i dont just sit idle waiting for a fleets to join.

Every thing you mention there requires the bot to skedaddle when friendlies show up too, because you aren’t going to be able to rely on the overview. Seeing a friendly move through a gate doesn’t mean that ship on the bot’s d-scan didn’t just log in from yesterday’s hunting party and now looking for bears to take out. Not being able to reliably know whether or not there’s hostiles in the system just can’t be scripted around anymore.

Once you’ve gotten a cov cyno capable char/ship into said dead-end system, it’s compromised in perpetuity, and it can’t be reliably cleared anymore. You know how many alts I have/had, and that’s small-fries compared to actual content chasers and hunters. Reliably denying space to botters is now trivial.

And a super carrier isn’t going to be afking sites, is it? Forcing an upgrade into having to play the game is a win as far as I’m concerned.

in nullsec are hardly worth calling ‘content’

(nods). I also agree CCP did create this problem which they are now having to dig out from under-- a perfect storm of near afk mining capitals gluts of minerals and dramatically lowered cost of capitals, injectors and asset safety. Attrition has always been the biggest lost to the overall assets-- (typically much more so than pvp battles), but not nearly enough. Don’t think this will be enough either. One of the reasons why I think keeping an available capital ship should cost every month or automatically get mothballed with a fee and timer to refit them. Would create a drain and deter massive capital ship stockpiles. Tie that mechanism with some Drifter lore that actively destroys overbuilt system, or some in game diminish returns and forced active pve (ratting with a carrier takes full attention–supers and rorq/hulks not so much) and we see real change. All that said, loving the blackout so far–hope it at least stays in some fashion even if that means it randomly rolls around null constellation by constellation.

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I agree, but still, I don’t think botting will stop because of the blackout, since the only strategy is to win more than they lose as botter. Sure they will lose more than before, but as well, it’s sure they will earn more than they lose. So according to me, in the question of botting : no change, bots will stay.

The main problem with that blackout is the feeling of real players, especially in little groups like, for example, renters, or even small alliances of , say, less than 500 players. Those guys (like us, in my corp), will simply feel way more vulnerable than before and in my opinion it’s not as simple as “adapt or die” (as trolls love to say). The definition of a sandbox is, mainly, that the world is managed by players themselves and the adaptation you need when circumstances change are healthy because those circumstances change because of players. What will it give finally ? If this blackout lasts and become definitive, every single “smaller” group will just join larger groups, or leave, killing finally all the diversity of strategies little groups can think about to earn the isks they need. CCP wants to kill diversity ? CCP Wants to only have megablocs in the clusters ? I think it’s really not a good choice, not all people do the confusion between “i’m tough” and “I have possibilities because my group is tough”, many prefer autonomy, many prefer playing with a little group they know well. Being forced to join a big group for safety will kill that way of thinking and will make people just, and simply, leave the game.