Now THIS is a funny thread! Don’t pick on him to hard, we were all new once. Can you imagine if he followed the advice though.
My best advice is to stay outta null, low and WH’s for the next couple of weeks. The sheet is hitting the fan over the null local blackout and seems to be a hornets nest hit by a stick in those places.
Ok, while we are being helpful… ransom looks a bit like this.
I’d guess about 2 of 3 hunters will take your ransom and then blow you up… so consider that risk.
I honor ransoms, but usually don’t bother offering them… but when I do it’s usually someone who speaks in local and says “I need my ship, I’ll give you 60 mil”.
The number has to be high enough to get the interest of the hunter, but if it’s too high they’ll assume you have juicy stuff in the fitting that is worth it to kill… and likely be further invented to take bounty and then kill you.
And then I reply “You’ve got 20 seconds to flash my wallet…” and at the 20 second mark in either gone or lighting the guns.
I love you.
A little.
I have ammo delivery ready for anyone who comes into system and talks in local, will deliver free of charge, straight into your hull. If I complain there will be a full refund of any ammo delivered.
Also, a lot of times, its shoot first, ask questions later. You just don’t know who your up against or if he has backup. If its some newbro (I’m beginning to use that term now instead of noob) that I popped, Ill give him more isk than his loss was worth with a bit of advice as well on how not to let it happen again. But that’s just me…
Ha, the didn’t honor them feature could be great. Would give NPC factions some personality, outside of damage types. Yeah, sure enough we announced ourselves when bombing the Mittanigrad. Many nullbears undocked from station anyway, totally oblivious and hiseccing in null. But Goons posse/vigilante/enforcer pick-up fleets would eventually show up.
With no Local, I wonder what would happen if we did the same thing now? Nothing to announce a neutral/red carebear Thrasher or bomber in system in Local, nothing on overview unless nullbear has got an intelligent overview set up? How long before any of the grocery shoppers would notice? Might be worth testing. Yeah, probably. Why not?
I am just going to be nice and leave you that link and won´t comment on the rest of your OP… words could hardly describe that kind of stupidity anyway.
edit: I feel like I need to leave a hint here to make you see what is actually wrong with your OP… look at wave 2.
Sleepers should definitely have individual NPC personas and chat randomly in wh local.
Sleeper 1 > Hey Dave, have you got point?
Sleeper 2 > Yeah. Neuting.
Sleeper 1 > 500m and we let you go
Player > Ok ok stop shooting!
Sleeper 2 > He doesn’t realise we’re bots
Sleeper 1 > I’m imagining him frantically searching for us in People and Places to give isk
Sleeper 1 > PMSL
Sleeper 2 > Hey I bet the guy who named his character Sleepless Defender is making bank!
Player > I can see everything you’re saying you know
((ship explodes))
Player > Pod express pls
Sleeper 2 > Can’t, sorry bro.
I agree whole heartedly. They need to stop making it easy for their pets. As it is they owe me a fitted skiff for this crap. STOP messing with the game CCP or you are going to lose a lot of people.
lol I like all the people saying this will “end stagnation” and are tired of the botters and crabbies… Like yes, it literally went from one extreme to another, instead of relatively safe ratting/mining, you now have relatively safe pvp. All you gotta do is cloak, wait, move closer point, fleet warps in, dead. Literally no risk what so ever… the ball is almost unanimously in your court, and you have little to no worries that you’ll be counter dropped, or have another fleet drop in in time if you pick your targets wisely (extremely easy because again, you can sit there cloaked for forever and watch and wait).
All I see the blackout affecting are the same crybabies that need the help to get kills because they aren’t good enough to move around or find soft targets to begin with and need the scales tipped inexorably in their favor. . . . Pretty sure zkill was showing plenty of losses before any of this started, I’m sure it will show plenty more since CCP broke down to all the “I’ll resub my account if my make it painfully easy for me to get a kill” people on this post and others…lol