Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

Killmails recorded this past weekend were up about 12% over the average weekend from the last 2 months. Just FYI.

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Good. You’re getting it.

I’m with you on this one. This was a hard flop and there’s only one right way to follow it.

CCP defines eve as a sandbox game.
Pvp is just one of the sandbox systems. Niche, boring, mostly irrelevant, and zero-depth one.


I won’t say that, but definitely better than as a pvp game, that’s for sure.

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Good to see you still around, and don’t forget to just try the lowsec with some corp at some point. Or join some public fleets etc :slight_smile:

and how many of them are roam vs roam or roam vs gate camp? like I said please look at the whole picture… when null pve is efectivly taken away for a lot of casual players they are left with two options. 1: move back to high sec [cant safly if they are in a war], 2: pvp

All the 1337 pvp people seam to forget that null is about players building there empire, empires are not built on death 24/7. people need to feel safe to farm, mine, make isk and so on.

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Economy is big part of EvE . Thus pretty much all activities in EvE can be seen as PvP. Ratting and mining are part of economy thus they are PvP activities.

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Haha, really? What’s next, placing your extractor on a planet on top of someone else’s is pvp?
It’s pvp when you compete with other players mate. Unless you’re trying to extract profit from a market, it can’t be called pvp. And market doesn’t care how you got what you’re investing and trading.

thats why they try to bribe me with skillpoints to stay.


Beats me. I need the full KM details for that and I get about 150/minute from ESI, so grabbing 7 months worth is going to take a moment. A count of the KMs in each daily zkill history file was a 15 minute job.

The point is, trying to claim that it’s “dead” when PvP activity measurably increased is rather suspect.

I predominantly identify as an industrialist, please tell me more.

Actually owning the tade center over the planet is considered a pvp activity…

I mean the camps are there to protect the ratters and miners, you see also here and there already nearly normal npc stats.

Also some players have adapted and rat in modified ships, which return a bit less isk, but often able to survive until the cavalry arrives or they just kill the predator.

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Ever played chess against a computer? Its not like the old days of Battlechess where they’re like playing a 4 year old. Modern chess engines, even ones that run on phones are at the point where you make a mistake before it does.

There are some clever people out there, whoever wrote bot programs for supers, that was a piece of work when you really think about the difficulties involved.

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Are they trying to bribe you to stay because of the Blackout

OR… are they bribing you to stay subscribed during the slow summer season … like the did last year on the 15th July , or the year before that, or the year before that… or the year … well you get the idea.


It actually not matter what CCP defines the EVE, players playing the game defines the game not them. I don’t want CCP come and say “you are playing this game wrong” EVE is a sandbox and players define how it should be played not them. If CCP is starting to mess with the “sandbox” too much they will loose lot of players because of it.


Same problem facing the game since before Fozziesov. People aren’t going to magically want to undock any more today than they were then.

No. You make perfect sense for those who take the effort to read and not just go “shut up you krab/bot/bear, your opinion doesn’t matter”

You try to claim that Eve isn’t a PvP game, then to back up that statement you list a bunch of games with literally no stakes tied to winning or losing? Do you know why we call Eve a PvP game? There’s actual stakes in Eve. PvP sneaks its tendrils into every single aspect of the game. Every market, every production line, every resource trail, every exploration, and even the bloody forum and /r/eve posting all have competitive aspects of various levels and impacts.

There’s quite literally no other MMO out there that can even begin to compare to Eve in terms of PvP, and the consequences thereof.

Player versus Player does not end, nor even begin, with a player shooting another player in space. It starts already when those players are allocating their training time, and what skills their sp pool shall encompass. It continues as they start gathering understanding of the game, its mechanics, its economy, its various playstyles and social structures. It starts rearing its head more significantly when they realize there’s X amount of resources and Y amount of players competing for them, in some form or another. So and so many sites. So and so many belts and moons. Industry indexes and market forces. Then they start understanding the even bigger picture. The politics. The coalitions. The wars. The metas.

You want to know what a PvP player tends to do in Eve? At some point, everything. Sure, hunting/roaming/ganking/warfare/bashing/whatever, but that rarely pays the bills. Especially these days. We trade. We mine. We build. We invest. We cooperate with others doing the same. We compete with others doing the same. We pore over patch notes and watch metas, predicting new doctrines and investing accordingly, competing with other speculative traders for limited stocks and limited markets.

And we kill each other, of course, but that’s just the sharp point on a much much larger structure.

Eve being a single-shard existence with fifteen years of development and every single character on it making their own little ripples in the fabric of Eve’s existence, be it through finance, resources, kills or whatever else falls under the largest PvP umbrella that has ever existed in gaming and encompasses more fields of expertise and skill than any other game I’ve played since I first hooked up my C64 and tape-deck to a black and white television.

You think Eve isn’t PvP? You poor thing. It must be sad not to recognize the ocean when you’re alone in a dingy, right in the middle of the biggest one on the planet.


Your average Eve automation bot is about as smart as a sack of potatoes. It is not a complicated decision tree in the least - far less so than chess.

Eve PvE is so simple that people do it literally AFK, without the help of automation. As coding problems go, this ain’t a tough one.


Nah, it their game and their systems.

They gave you a sandbox and they tell you what tools you can use, if they feel like people are abusing a tool then they have ever right to take it away.

With that logic people should beable to manually adjusts ships so that a frigate can fit a doomsday.

This is [the old model for] a Cheetah-class covert ops frigate:

You see what’s on that? That’s a 1400mm Howitzer Artillery II.

Don’t you go tempting me, chil’, I’m just insane enough to try…

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You know exatly what Trang ment… dont try to troll and at salt others for fun… is enough of that on this thread as it is.
… and if you didn’t get what Tang ment then go read there post again.

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