Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

Time to unsub all my accounts. You want me to risk my high end pve ships just to make content for the pvp without compensating me for being out in space. Some of us enjoy playing the pve side of the game I guess I will take my real money over to warframe they seem to know how to treat their players


Why is it so hard to do things like this ? This has the benefit of forcing the taking of more space to generate same income, and potentially putting fewer ships within reach of giant super umbrella’s.

Bye then…:zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz:

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Pffffff lol

Lootboxes > thinking

What an age we live in

https://zkillboard.com/character/2113852597/ 100% snuggly bite me

It’s called a forum alt…new to EVE are you?

“This is the first time Lacy Cummings has posted”

Oh wait, never mind…


Adapt to what? they changed this game to R-N-G.
If you go to the farm, you can die, or not, but it does not depend on you.
Only large alliances and their umbrella and the right amount of your ship’s hp can make a difference.


F1 F1 F1 monkey keep skill up for that f1 https://giphy.com/gifs/monkey-drums-drumming-TLulTJKuyLgMU

Still here? Didn’t you leave for easier pastures over in Hello Kitty MMO?

Considering how risk free it is to cyno drop a bunch of supers, even a bling fit marauder is going to die before help has a hope of arriving. CCP are getting desperate to turn the trend around, they are now offering SP just for logging in.


When you guys make a mistake you always hand out free SP. Its not that I want EVE to stink, its that I want it to be good and it seems ya’ll are having a hard time of grasping what changes to make to get there.

Wasn’t anything learned from what was happening with war declarations? The only way to win was to not play the game…

Meddling with local isn’t the answer. Make resources scarce, make people spread out as they consume. Make owning things have a continuing cost to reduce hoarding. Limit the number of active industrial cores in a asteroid belt. Get rid of TZ tanking structures and change up timer mechanics. Limit the ability for supers to proliferate. Any of those would have been better than removing local.

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That is the #1 thing CCP needs to do…give something (or take away I guess) to fight over.


Exactly. Pocket systems in 0.0 are valuable because they don’t deplete fast enough and folk can just sit in them all day long without having to move. Look what happens to ice in high security space, people chase that like hippies chasing the dragon.

Because you don’t think about children! Oh, sorry. Wanted to say “newcomers”.
Hint: if you make nullseccers spread “already established 0.0-sec alliances will not allow new guys to settle in 0.0-space at all”. So CCP have changed mechanics to allow people to live in fewer systems.

Maybe all you nullsec-haters should finally get your ideas and complaints straight?

Maybe you defenders of krabbing kulaks should get your defensive posture straight too.

Are you also in the “its ruining the game but it doesnt affect anything we do so we are unsubbing” choir too

Tbh Im actually suprised. Youve been around long enough.

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That’s a very narrow viewpoint. Make them really starve. Put 10 rats in a cage, give only food for 5 for a week. Soon there won’t be 10 rats. Sure, maybe some alliances won’t let new people in, but they’ll have to do something or their rank and file won’t be allowed to stay either.

Current in-game example? Relic hunters. They can’t just sit on their asses running the same blue salvage-filled cans all day long. They have to move around to get their ISK.

I know this guy in 0.0 who made 40 million within an hour of downtime today relic hunting, but he had to jump through at least 10 systems and scan down a bunch of sites ( he couldn’t do a 11/10 he found in a scanning ship, and with no local nobody is game to run it) and got interrupted when another person jumped in the site.

They’re probably the only person out of 15 in my gaming community who’s Eve experience is largely unaffected by having no local.

Everyone else seems to be playing warframe.


I counter your unsubs with my resubs :stuck_out_tongue: I am happy with this change.


Ok I myself normally wouldn’t post But here is the deal all of you who are bashing the 10000 or so who dropped their accounts that’s about 15 x 10000 x 12 = 1.8 million or so in revenue to ccp. That being said All you devs and GM types who are paid by the consumer where is the paycheck going to come from……… At a certain point even you the hardcore pvpers will find the game unplayable as targets become scarce and ships become hard to come by. And as for you who want to poke at the unsubbers just remember you already are paying to play all you lose are targets.


Are you posting from inside the CCP billing department?


I mean have you spent much time roaming since the blackout? Because I have, and tbh most of null is D-E-A-D dead… except for of course Delve, which has a standing fleet running pretty much constantly, and a super in every belt with FAX on standby on 3/4 of the stations just waiting for a drop. Outside of that, sure you see one rando every once in a while, or even a small gang of t3’s or AF’s (had those before the blackout) but I wouldn’t say much has changed…

Rorqs are still mining (especially in the big blocks) and supers are still ratting, so effectively you’ve only neutralized the middle to low income players in eve, because anything bigger would warrant a response, and having already responded to two tackled rorqs they’re pretty easy to keep alive…

If anything all I’ve noticed are the VNI’s being the majority of kills, and cloaks becoming the new meta…

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