Login Error Message

same issue here

Same issue, also cant log onto my account management on the website.

Yes, can’t log into the game at all.

same here, when trying to log into the account management…i get a msg that says the acount management site is under maintennance.

might be that is down so we cant log in?

some here

Worth keeping an eye on their Twitter feed:

Eve Status

Their latest post (15 minuets ago) said:

“We have become aware of an issue preventing players from authenticating via the launcher as of 15:40 GMT. We’re currently looking into this issue and we will let you know as soon as we have any updates.”

yup same issue can not login

yup yup

sit and wait i guess

Same issue, see what happens

Guys, please don’t ask so much of CCP. You pay to play the game, now you want to be able to login? So greedy.

IKR, i just resubbed 3 acounts and I expect to play, I must be insane

Working again for me

Its up guys, as off 4:09 pm server time


Still can’t log in reliably. My ship warps back to the belt and then I DC. I finally got to dock this time. It’s probably a wasted day today.

getting disconnected a lot

and its a lot of disconnects…

Seems to be letting me connect now, but it feels pretty slow and laggy.

i also have trouble loging in.

that my principal acounts is off >S no can login, i send image.

i see several errors in Eve, after updates in may other accounts
-in jump in moment to warp to see gate i see a little drop of position in camera
-on log off some windows of interfaz show in and no hidein
-some data users can be lost mae be in backup on server

yes, sometimes