Lonetrek Salvage Services

Salvaging Service

It seems that blitzing missions is the way to go these days, It seems that you are better off and earn more by leaving the wrecks and salvage and hitting the next mission.

This is where I can help you increase your ISK per hour. I will salvage/loot for you and then pay you 70% of the estimated buyer price based on evepriasal

Things to know:

  • I operate in EU TZ so can take missions from about 18:30 to 20:30 eve time. (depending on the day/time I can be a bit flexible on this).
  • I am in a corp but doing my own thing and looking for something different to do in eve. I helped a guy out with a level 4 mission that he couldn’t quite finish himself recently and it got me thinking about helping others and all those wrecks I see on Dscan as I do my own missions (I hate waste).
  • I would be using a Noctis and so can clear up your wrecks quickly.
  • High sec only systems, within 3 jumps of Torrinos in Lonetrek although if you regularly mission elsewhere I may be happy to drop a Noctis and a jump clone nearby.

The Process

  • Drop a message here and I will contact you ingame with my main., then once we’ve had a discussion and you want to go ahead either add me to an access list, or ill add you to mine
  • You do your missions as normal making sure that you abandon the wrecks and do not leave MTUs in the pocket either. (I will not touch yellow wrecks).
  • Bookmark each pocket as it is emptied.
  • I warp in and clean everything up (either after you hand in the mission or as you clear each pocket).
  • At the end of the session I paste everything into evepraisal and email you the link for your records.
  • I pay you 70% of the Jita buy value according to evepraisal. Paid at either the end of the session or the earliest opportunity next day.

Benefits to you

  • It would all be extra ISK for you if you don’t salvage generally anyway.
  • If you do salvage it will save you time as you’ll have someone clearing up behind you.
  • Because it saves you time it increases your IPH.
  • Your MTU won’t be ganked or shot.


  • How can you trust me? – Eve is notorious for trust, or lack thereof. Nothing I can say here will install immediate trust from you in me so I can only build that trust by doing and so, until I get a few customers under my belt all I can give you is my word.

  • Will you mix my stuff up with others? – No because I would only be missioning for you at that time. I am an individual, not a corp. I can pull in an alt if need be but it’s still my character so I would only by working for one person at a time, and your payout will be after that session (next day at the latest).

  • An Example – If I were to collect this from your mission - https://evepraisal.com/a/vfb1m - I would pay you 26.59m ISK. You will notice that there is a Limos Cruise Launcher 1 that has no value. In the case of no value under the buy price, I will remove all such items from the list, recalculate separately and pay 70% of the sell price.

  • Why do this? – my main has been in game nearly 10 years, I dislike mining and just wanted to take a different angle and try something a little different and entrepreneurial. I also dislike seeing all those wrecks on d-scan when I do my own missions.

If interested please message this character on the forums (he rarely logs into game) and I will contact you in game with my main. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for reading.

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