Looking for a C3 Wormhole ratting Fit

I have seen a few fits, mainly missile fits like the drake, rattlesnake praxis etc but im not trained into missiles and it will be a while before i am… I am trained into gallente stuff (drones, railguns, blasters) blasters being my highest trained followed by drones. looking for a fit that can help me clear C3 combat sites with relative ease.

My budget is around 700m for now but I’m willing to upgrade modules to faction ones once i get a hang of the fit.

And yes i understand missies are used because rats in J-space neut you but it will be over 3 months before i train into it so rather than sitting around i want to try something else out that might work…

Any help is appreciated thanks!

Passive shield Gilas and Rattles can solo C3 sites. It takes a while tho and the rattle will blow your proposed budget.
You can get away with T1 rapid light missiles in a Gila. That’s only to deal with frigates. Your drones will munch the heavier stuff.
I suppose you could shanghai a Myrmidon into the role either active armour with a cap injector or two, or possibly even passive shield fit. Be prepared to lose a few while tinkering.

Ashy has a handy dandy writeup for krabbing in J-Space.

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Had a look at the gila fit on the website you linked, is there a way to make it work without having to refit? also its very vague on when how and why i should refit…

if you need more tank, swap in another shield power relay (if your shield level drops below 30% is a rough guide).
if you’ve culled the incoming dps down to a manageable level, swap in some extra drone damage amplifiers.
You could go full shield power relays and not refit at all, but you’ll have to accept significantly slower clearing times.
Actually, I’d suggest starting with full shield power relays the first time you try this.

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ok will try it out thanks

Deimos, Ishtar, Eos, Astarte, Proteus can all run C3 Sites solo with Drones and Hybrids. (The anomalies, NOT the relic/data ones!)

Budget of 700m will be tough tho if you want some clearing speed…

And after all, your biggest problem won’t be NPCs. Lowclass JSpace is full of PvP hunters just waiting to catch some solo guy in a site. You will probably lose your ~1B farming ship before it has completed the ~30 sites to even pay for itself. Unless you roll yourself in everytime before farming, which makes the whole thing quite ineffective time-wise…


VNI Its cheap and it works

[Vexor Navy Issue]
Damage Control II
Medium Armor Repairer II
Multispectrum Energized Membrane II
Medium Armor Repairer II
Multispectrum Energized Membrane II
Reactive Armor Hardener

10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

Heavy Ion Blaster II
Heavy Ion Blaster II
Heavy Ion Blaster II

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump I

Hobgoblin II x2
Hammerhead II x6
Federation Navy Ogre x4

Null M x6000
Void M x6000
Mobile Tractor Unit x1

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You have not a single damagemod on the ship amd the drones need to travel from target to target…, how long do you want to stay in a site? Not sayin it won’t work, but to even break the sleepers RR in some sites will take ages…

two pieces to this:

1 - SP is a big part of your ability to clear these sites, and getting key skills to V will dramatically improve the speed as well as reduce the cost of a fit needed to clear the site.

2 - clearing sites in WHs requires a different mentality – you want to use a fit that can clear them at a fast rate, but also be as cheap as practical… you will get jumped. It is an eventuality, but the goal is that the ship generates a LOT more isk than you lose, so when you do get killed, it is worth it in the end.

For High SP, there are a number of T1 battlecruiser fits that can do it, albiet slowly. I would generally recommend a HAC that is capable of clearing the site, and a bit harder to gank.

The Deimos is quite solid for most C3’s (avoid wormholes with pulsar effects), though the Vagabond and Sacrilege are also good.
You can generally find fits (and guides as you will have to actually pilot your ship) on youtube.


Thanks, I was looking to live in a wormhole with proteus so i really hope i can fit that, i have most of the core skills in the proteus at 4 if not at 5, I have 5 in blasters rail at 3 iirc. so was hoping something along those lines.


all of the T3C’s can be set up to do C3 sites pretty easily.

The cloaky subsystem gives a bit of QoL, you can scan down the WH and clear the sites with the same fit, though it does make for a more expensive loss mail.

I love my drone proteus. It will serve you well in j- space.