Looking for a corp. i just restarted playing. 28mio SP

like i said i would like to yoin a corp again after 3 years of interruption. im german but english is no prob either. shortly before i paused my membership i learned my first pvp lessons so to say.

the char is pretty much allround. i can use a retriever with t2 stripers and fly a battleship (Gallente with t2 equip.

i am also just learning how to produce things.


I also got 2 other chars which i can reactivate with theyr own account each. i really want to get started again.

please reply here or ingame if you are interested.


Hi Arthuro - Check out corp ad and join us in OAME Public for a chat if you still looking.

Nexus 11


Hi Arthuro Cesaille,

Mail sent in game bud


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Hello @Arthuro_Cesaille and welcome back to the game we hate to love.

I am not sure what you are specifically looking for in a Corp/Alliance, however come take a closer look of who and what we are

In the end, we are a great group of gamers that love to hang out and do things in game.

Hope to see you in space,

WHSOC -Jump to be Known

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o/ @Arthuro_Cesaille

Which type of corp are you looking for ? PvE, PvP ? Null sec, WH, Low sec ? Small gang pvp or blob pvp ?

Hope to see you in the battlefield,


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Hey there Arthuro, check out our corp ad here and join us on our Discord if you’re still looking for a corp.


hi. i like what you say very much. are you german (me too). id love to join!


Moin, das ganze gibt es auch in Englisch, aber da du ja der Deutschen Sprache mÀchtig bist probiere ich es einmal so.

Gruß Kaelen


eveo eveo eveo eveo http://mercenary.atspace.co.uk/hype/mc-hype.html eveo eveo eveo eveo

Bilder anklicken

  • Serpentis Loyalisten seit 2005 | Gelegentliches RP
  • Nullsec Sov mit voll ausgebauter Infrastruktur
  • WH-Space Zugang mit vorhandener Infrastruktur
  • Mitglied der Mercenary Coalition
  • PvP, Herstellung biochemischer Booster, Gasabbau
  • Internationale Corp mit zahlreichen deutschen Spielern
  • AktivitĂ€t in EU- und US-Zeitzonen
  • Homepage: http://corelicorp.net/
  • Ein Blick wert: Seite 40 im Buch der Collectors Edition
  • Öffentlicher Kanal: "Coreli Core"

Die Coreli Corporation besteht seit nunmehr 13 Jahren. Das seit 2005 unter der selben FĂŒhrung
stehende Unternehmen spezialisiert sich auf PvP, die Herstellung biochemischer Kampfbooster
und die Gewinnung der dafĂŒr nötigen Rohstoffe.

Die Mitgliederzusammensetzung der Corp ist international geprÀgt. Die BeschÀftigten kommen
hauptsĂ€chlich aus Deutschland, den Niederlanden, DĂ€nemark, Großbritannien, Polen, Schweden
usw. Eine grafische Übersicht findet ihr auf unserer Webseite unter “Employment”

Wir bieten eine erwachsene, drama-freie AtmosphÀre und sind mehr als entspannt, wenn es um
“Real Life Comes First” geht. Wir erleben und bestreiten gemeinsam die Herausforderungen des
Universums und haben eine Vorliebe dafĂŒr, anderen die Show zu vermiesen.

Wir bieten euch von 5-Mann-Roams in Fregatten bis hin zu 4000-Mann Tidilag-Flottenschlachten
ein breites Spektrum an AktivitÀten. Durch das Söldner-Auftragsleben bieten wir in einem
verlÀsslichen Umfeld permante Abwechslung.

Schaut im Chat “Coreli Core” im Spiel vorbei. Hier ist jeder euer erster Ansprechpartner.


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IF this sounds like what you are looking for, give me a shout! Twisted-Sin is looking for more nullsec pilots

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If you have not already join our Discord Server, I am currently at work but maybe a recruiter will be online when you join?

Simply join our Discord Channel: WHSOC

Thank you for your interest,

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Hey - come check us out at Vitriolic Animosity. NullSec group in the QFC. Lot’s of opportunity for industry/pvp in our sov null.

Happy to have a chat in game at Pub Chan: VITRI PUB

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Krypted Gaming is looking for quality, social pilots to join us on our space adventures. We are a community focused on quality over quantity, and look for pilots with great attitudes towards the game and fellow players. We live in the nullsec region of Deklein, and are proud members of SLYCE.

We aim to be,

  • Tight Knit (~40-50 actual humans)
  • Highly active (88.5% of our members are online daily)
  • Top Contributors in PvP & Industry (top 3 for monthly alliance fleet participation)
  • Knowledgable & Approachable (tons of guides on our website)

Whether you are a new player or veteran, we are looking for team players who want to contribute to a community. All of our members are active, decent human beings (except our corporate Grandpa, Helltrek) with lives outside of the game. Given that, we also have plenty of memes!

Learn a bit more about us at our website.

Come chat with us in our Discord!


1 Like

Hit me up ingame if you want more info!

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Come chat to our recruiters, We may well have what you’re looking for.

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JAD Industries - Brotherhood of Pilots: PvP, Indy & More Now Has Open Recruitment

Jad Industries, Part of the Infensus Alliance, has recently opened recruitment again for pilots that will want to join our Pineapple Manifest Destiny.

Our Website
https://jadindustries.net/ 5

We are a fair large but tight knit group that values quality in our pilots instead of quantity
Join us down in Null Sec and in our Discord for the best time you can have. We welcome all types of pilots and offer a circus of activities in and out of system for all your Eve entertainment.
Some of the things we offer are PvP, Pve, Moon, Regular and mining ops, industry, shipping, and many more activities to come. We have many veterans, returning, and new players all willing to help, mentor joke around, and most importantly have fun. We have stories, knowledge about the game, and memes.

We understand that Eve is just a game and real life comes first but while online you can be anywhere from casual to a try hard core player and fit right in.

Our Recruitment video

Any Questions Join Chat JAD Industries Public or PM Orange Lucifer

TLDR: Come Join Chat JAD Industries Public and Ask me about the Pineapple Manifest Destiny

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My Corp is a sanctuary for introverts. We are all comfortable working alone but we like to have friends to be alone with. We do all of Eve, pew pew, exploration, and a focus on industry. Moon mining, reactions, PI, invention, we do it all. We are based in a very quiet corner of high sec and have a long term goal of joining a sov alliance in null as their industrial backbone. If we sound interesting, mail me and let’s talk. Good luck with your search and welcome back!

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Can I suggest you get in touch with German Project - they are (as the name would suggest) a German corp with a decently large active member base

Speak to tojanus over there and tell him I sent you his way!

Good luck finding a new home


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hi @Arthuro_Cesaille

join AKIMA Pub channel 
 lets have a chat

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NJED has been residing in Jspace for over 3 years. We are a medium-sized PvP corp and expect all our members to be able and willing to put up a fight. We don’t want to deny fair content to anyone, and thus we look for the same in return. NJED only exists as a framework for our members to make something out of it. Everyone is encouraged and supported to try something new, organize an event, become a leader for others.

What we offer

  • Content creation and consumption - Our scouts and content creators are the lifeblood of the corp. They receive full priority on loot from content found by them. We have consistently been blowing up >15bil a month strictly in wormhole space for well over a year now, putting us in a category shared by barely over a dozen groups.
  • A relaxed atmosphere - RL always comes first and we have no strict activity demands from our members. We do ask that prolonged absence is discussed beforehand.
  • Experience - We have a lot of knowledge packed into the long-time members of the corp we’re eager to share.
    If you are new to wormholes or haven’t logged in since melted nanoribbons were 8 million ISK, we’ll get you on your feet and running.
  • Geographic diversity - While the majority of our members are from the US, we have presence in AU and EU timezones as well.
  • Hull Replacement Program (Limited SRP)
  • Third-party Tools (Discord, Tripwire, Fleet-up, Wiki)
  • Citadel Infrastucture
  • Full P4 PI Capabilities

What we require

  • Full ESI checks
  • Alphas will need to be ready to specialize, especially with the new Alpha clone changes. We will provide useful skill paths to assist. We fully expect Alpha players to upgrade to Omega in the short-term
  • Discord coms


In-Game Public Channel: NJED Bar and Lounge
Feel free to contact us here, in our public chat, or one of our recruiters:
Bluedagger, Artennius Lee, Irie Igunen

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We are currently part of the V.e.G.A. alliance, which is primarily a german alliance.

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