Hello im lolopinkoto, but you can call me lolo.
Im ajust new EVE Online player with exactly 2 days of experience as of typing this. I am looking for a small corp accepting noobies like me.
As for me im a teenager that finds enjoyment playing EVE and in looking for others who feel the same. Hope to find a place to call home.
Im also an Alpha working to get Omega soon. I will leave a discord group thing I made so I can communicate with whoever decided I sound like a good fit
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Thought you were looking for an alcoholics anonymous corporation for a second
What about flying around in shiny uniforms and police skin ships shooting ppirates and bad guys wile learning the secrets of both PVE & PVP?
HEre, have a look…
[New Eden Police Force Corp ad]
We are both a Vet & Newbro-friendly corp, whose main goal is to fight crime in the universe of EVE, as a 100% Anti-Pirate corporation, challenging crime & piracy wherever it is to be found.
An immersive environment with HUGE social impact, interacting with hundreds of other pilots in the galaxy, cooperating with an awesome group of people providing a unique identity within the game.
What we offer:
Click to expend Welcoming environment for both N…
Hi if you are still interested send request to The Big Cheese#4491
(Ally Poo)
April 27, 2021, 1:50pm
Heya man and welcome to EvE!
Hello Eve Community
Kamiya Dojo is a new corporation that was created to cater to new players so that they can find a community to learn the game in and grow as a group. We also have returned veterans who have taken it upon themselves to train new players and act as mentors but if you want to come and chill that is ok too.
Our corp is growing fast with 20 members already in just one week with more recruits each day. Now is the perfect time to join a fast growing community that has full…
Hello Eve Community
Dark Venom is a new corporation that was created to cater to new and returning players so that they can find a community to learn / re-learn the game in and grow as a group. We have veterans who have taken it upon themselves to train new players and act as mentors, we are also always open for a chat / laugh so come on by.
Our corp is growing fast, with more recruits each day. Now is the perfect time to join a fast growing community that has leadership and support…
We are new player friendly
Yo if it isnt age restricted im in. Whats the discord so I can join to apply or something
July 27, 2021, 1:54pm
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