hello thanks for giving me the time and looking at this post i am a part time player that keeps trying to get back into the game but hasnt found a home that is not yet, im hoping you can help with that im currently looking for a high sec corp preferably to run missions at a sister of eve station (but will consider other factions) abit of exploration and maybe mining (if a corp op)
. please send me a mail in game or reply here and i will get back to you thanks
No interest in null?
yes but is hard to play in null when part time wanted to try to get back int o the game first and bee apart of something and help build
understandable. If you dont find anything up that way you like and want to hear about Right Click Jump To - RCJT down in null find me on discord. rangerwolfy#4987
thanks will have a think may be in touch
If you’re still searching for a home, I would like to suggest that you look up the in-game recruitment ad for my corporation, Stellar Spectre Collective. It has a lot of info on it which should give you a good picture of what we do.
See you among the stars
Fly safe o7
Check out our corp, We are a tight knit group of players that would be happy to have you join us. We Enjoy Small gang PvP and really just hanging out together and having a laugh. REPO [C4 Small Gang PvP]
Hi Bud, also a null sec corp here.
No problems about you being part time mate.
Check out our corp. We are a tight knit group of players that would be happy to have you join us. We Enjoy Small gang PvP and really just hanging out together and having a laugh REPO [C4 Small Gang PvP]
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