Looking for EUTZ pvp corp - Blops, casual camping, occasional roams

Giving it another shot to find a likeminded corp with focus into pvp, who cares about their members and not just recruit to fill up the numbers. It’s both the social and pvp that makes me login.
When I login I like to shoot stuff and have a laugh. Blops, dictor/cloaky camps, brawls in small-medium sized gangs.

All this during EUTZ(Nordic).
I would bring a couple accounts that’s trained into blops/cov cyno, scanning, small gang stuff but don’t mind training into corp doctorines if that means winning fights in the end.

!!!Not interested in tidi and frequent move ops!!!

If you are looking for a teammate and not a number, then hit me up!
Have a good one o/

Hey Dunga,

I would love to have a talk with you. I started my own corp because I was looking for a place where you are not a number.

We are starting up so might be difficult in the beginning but definately a place to grow and foster the atmosphere we want.

Have a look at our topic to see if this sounds like a corp you want to join, if intersted you can hop in our discord so we can get in touch.

Hi @Dunga_Tivianne

I think we would be the perfect fit. We are UK and EU. Small WH corp rebuilding for small gang activity. Would be great to chat.

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Maybe give spooky a go? we are still recruiting EUTZ :slight_smile:

Welcome back bud am uktz and looking for vets to join my corp we live in sov null. So plenty of pew pew around Rl come’s first we play for fun and friendship. If you fancy joining or having a chat jump on our discord and say hi

Are you still searching? Adventure-Time Corporation is still searching for active members. We are located in a C4 C4/C5 WH and looking for active PVP Pilots, we might be not able to provide blobbing but we are quit active in PVP, depends what the chain provides. We are part of an American Timezone based alliance which tend to login also quit often in EU Timezone, but our corporation is EU Timezone based and we love to establish an active EU TZ there. Dont hesitate to contact me if interested or dirct apply to our corporation.

Hey- checkout DESO, we’re a blops group in Derelik/Domain and Providence areas.