Lore Rationalization of Changes in New Eden

So CCP does a great job of trying to provide lore reasons for new content or changes in the game. However, I was wondering if someone could provide a few ideas as to what the potential story would be for other changes that doesn’t really get the lime light in lore. Some changes such as re balancing, ship hull redesigns, or like future fundamental role changes, nerfs and buffs. I can see a CONCORD authority forcing empire ships in for refit lol but what about sov space…or wh space for that matter?


I think rebalancing and redesigns have gotten a roundabout explanation in the description of the Fleet Hurricane - where it was claimed to be too effective to stay under its technological label by CONCORD and had to be nerfed for the base version, but Fleet Hurricanes are the old pre-nerfed Hurricanes. So CONCORD is behind ship balancing, in a way.
Also, technology marches on and old ships get new iterations - so why would null capsuleer wealth swimming users use older, inferior versions, especially when they’re not strapped for cash like baseliner factions could be.


True…in the form of a buff; however, that hardly qualifies when you are talking about re-balancing old Hulk vs new Hulk surely the old was far more superior lol does this mean null capsuleers would trade in for a downgrade because its too effective? >.<


Null capsuleers are still under the heel of CONCORD, they still pay the sovereignty bills to CONCORD, and I can only assume that if capsuleers don’t accept nerfs, they just flash somekind of killswitch to their face and say “take it or leave it scrubs.”

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Some changes such as re balancing, ship hull redesigns, or like future fundamental role changes, nerfs and buffs. I can see a CONCORD authority forcing empire ships in for refit lol but what about sov space…or wh space for that matter?

  1. One of the explanation is “it was always like that” when talking about balancing, ship hull redesigns, or like future fundamental role changes, nerfs and buffs. Only new ships are mentioned/talked about.

  2. If you didnt notice Empires and pirate factions are those tha create technology… capsuleers, corporations and alliances don’t do that, they only buy it in a form of BPOs or loot from pirate assets and then copy and manufacture from those. They are the end consumers and fully dependant on the empires.

PS. I could be wrong in some parts.

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Yes I figured that but the question was more toward the assets that capsuleers have already got from the empires because if we only included new items then it seems like it ties itself up nicely already xD

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