Losing connection to chat server even after 3/26 fix

Problem appears if I log on more than one account at a time. But the random “socket closed” has disappeared.

Can confirm issue still happening after 4/5 hotfix — Problem has not been resolved. Anyone still having the same issue? This is super annoying.

I’m still getting it, 4/5 fix didn’t fix my issue.

Same here.

The most annoying thing is that the chat recognizes much too late that it has lost the connection.
My scout can’t tell if the local is working or not.

All other channels are also affected.

I have the same issue. It’s still happening, hotfix didn’t fix it for me.
I appear to lose connection to all chats when I do not very frequently use the chats.
As a miner this is complete crap. My fleet is sitting on their citadel for weeks now not being able to do anything.

I have no channels at all. Nothing in the Channels list. I took a week off and came back and now for 2 days I’ve had nothing.

I, too, am experiencing this.
It’s very similar to my issues with connection to the servers in general, which i’ve had over the past few years…
interestingly, my wife will happily be playing WoW next to me while i’ll be swearing up a storm at losing chat connection for the umpteenth time or losing connection on one of my clients yet again.

in all honesty, if this cannot be fixed in a resonable time-frame, i find it hard to justify the cost of continuing to play this game, as the social element has been the only reason i keep coming back to it.

CCP, PLEASE fix this, it’s killing eve, do not underestimate the importance of this…

Have same issue, local chat is not fixed for sure and it even freezes,also it happens quite alot.

btw, here’s a freebie - this should help fix your issues :

+1, I have the same problem. Since the last hotfix the chat does not reconnect automatically, I have to write something in one chat and eventually the client will reconnect to the chat server, often is does not and I have to restart the client.


I’ve bug reported this as well and not a peep out of CCP
Guess they are partying hard at the top of the world and preparing to have use drool over new stuff

Day 17, chat system is still broken…

also having issues with chat not updating/freezing.
please fix or remove local.

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Still have the problem, chats disconnecting and local not updating. Game unplayable.

geebuz already, FIX THE F-ING thing what is wrong with ccp this is the worst bug since deleting the boot.ini - chat is NOT FIXED

As of this morning, I am getting constant failure to connect to chat server. I have relogged, restarted comp, and run maint tool. and checked my ports. Is this issue a thing?

It just started for me, after being out in space for the last 6 hours, now no local, intel, corp channels - makes the life of a miner hard

Could not connect to chat server at tranquility.chat.eveonline.com:5222.Please ensure that this port isn’t blocked.Retry?
No Channels at all.
Started a hour ago for me and I have yet to find a walk around for it …

Same issue here. I’ve changed no settings. Everything was fine last night. Tried to log in just a little bit ago.

Could not connect to chat server at tranquility.chat.eveonline.com:5222.Please ensure that this port isn’t blocked.Retry?

Tracert run and the trail runs in to permanent timeouts somewhere in Netflix servers for some reason?