I am a relatively new pilot, 1.5 years in, not including breaks from the game. I play this game for the thrill of solo/small scale PvP, with doing some high-level abyssals to fuel my wallet.
After resistance nerf, I find myself being bored out of this game. I prefer brawling to kiting, because it is much easier to find an acceptable fight for yourself. Or, at least it used to be so.
Battleships became prohibitively expensive, anything smaller requires an implant set or deadspace tank to work, so it is even more expensive in the end.
While I’m very happy that <5 t1 cruiser/BC gang does not have to run on sight of t3c because they can expect to break it’s tank now, t2 armor reps/dual LASB became next to useless. While they were barely working before the nerfes to begin with.
Some rep/resistance bonused hulls can be made to have acceptable tank cheaply, but variety severely lacks there. Rest of the ships with cheap active tank break too fast outside of a 1v1 situation, as they have both EHP and HPS worse than before, while close-range damage was increased.
I belive something needs to be done here. Most likely performance curve of armor reps altered so t2 armor reps are brought up to DB/TS ones while top-tier left as it is.
For shield, situation is complex because it uses mid slots, but it is safe to say that LASB could be simply buffed or LASB plasmids buffed with greatly increased avaliability so the price would drop for them, as the applications of the module are very niche.
Alternatively, all sub-BS t1/faction hulls can get some sort of active tank bonus, capping at 15-20% or so.