Low sec or No sec?

Doesn’t matter. CCP isn’t going to change a thing based on what is brought up on this forum. It’s just for discussion.
Some people have knee-jerk reactions as if when someone starts a thread CCP reads it and changes things based on the responses. That’s just deluded and ridiculous.

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i like to rant about low sec
its a hobby

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Yeah, but it’s still good :popcorn:


Remove all jump drives from the game and low sec is partially fixed ;).

Or if you want to be less extreme, at least disallow cynos in low sec.

Then pirates have a lot more reasons to live in low sec again, which as a side effect might reduce the number of “bad guys” in high sec, because they finally can find interesting targets in low sec again :skull_and_crossbones:

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@MB_ThePhotographer Sometimes it is and sometimes it’s blah. Sometimes it’s funny and other times it’s so drawn out I wonder if it’s just bots arguing back and forth, they repeat the same points over and over again like killing a mule with figs.

@tutucox_Khamsi As long as it doesn’t become an obsession.

Your new here! Just wait, the Russians have a saying “and then things got worse”. :laughing: Stick around, you’ll learn a lot. :wink:

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@MB_ThePhotographer Yes I haven’t been on here long enough to be blasé. I don’t want to learn the art to argue just for arguing.
I’m still learning about strawmen and flaming.
My mom already got insulted so I’m making headway I guess.

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:rofl: Just skip over the trolling. A lot of it I read through just to make sure I don’t miss a possible good idea. And as an 08 player, I still learn about aspects of the game that “I” have no interest in, but still affect/afflict my gameplay.

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Sure. Not sure which side I should troll, pro-PvP or con-PvP. I think it would be more fun to troll the pro-PvP crowd, they got firery retorts.


I wont shoot you if I see you if that helps my pro pvp image? :smile:

And you wouldn’t exist if not for me.

@MB_ThePhotographer That’s mighty nice of you! But don’t hold your itchy trigger finger on my account, I can take it.

@Merin_Ryskin I should be so lucky.

I expected better! :rofl:

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I didn’t. Small minds Small words. Good thing I’m getting used to it now I won’t lose sleep over it :sweat_smile:

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