Low sec security status partial removal

That’s exactly about this post, low sec ***** up your standings and some people doesn’t go there to have fight, to have fun.

In the other hand Pvp in FW low sec is quite different to null sec PVP.
It is much more small gang, 1 vs 1…
Personally I find it much more funny than null sec one.

Edit; try it maybe yo got hooked as me.

heyho. npc null is mostly small gang too. from what i have seen on streams in low it’s not that much different, except the bubbles and bombs of course, but they are fun so it’s even more of a plus than not ■■■■■■■ with your standings :slight_smile:

Do they have to?

Are we all supposed to be playing to create content for others, or just to do the things we want to do and eventually interactions happen?

I personally see it more as the second case, otherwise we all have to be held to the same standard, and the question could be asked of all of us, what have you done to create content for the rest of the players?

With all the respect, seeing a video is not the same than experiencing something.

Per example in the fw plexes, you can choose the engage, because you can leave the plex when you want. So that means that the atacker must be flying something than the defender thinks can engage. Making combats to be a bit more fair than in null sec, which I tryed by like 6 monthes and personally found no so funny and challenging. Maybe I wasn’t in the right are of null sec…

Also you do not need so much the group than in null sec, null sec is more group dependant in my opinion.

If I were the game designer, that would be the point to choose between two similar mechanics. How many content that produces to the comunity.

Yes the content that I produce for the others is PVP, I kill ships having fun for me, and I loose ships making fun for the other pvp fellows.

A bunch of T3 in a gate like tama, only produce content for them and for his Zkillboard, but that is my opinion. Or the content they produce is a bit poor as somebody else already states.

Only way Id change the sec hit is making it dynamic. The higher your sec status and the lower your targets the less your own sec hit would be for destroying them. Same with pods. And vice versa, the lower yours the bigger the hit you take on a higher. Anyone above 0 to +5 its all equal still. Dynamic ranges only start for -0 and under.

Wouldnt change much for people that dont care and the carebears get a bit of a break if they go after criminals only. Means their target pool is smaller than the average low seccer though.

Using the sec status gain and loss formulas from faction standings would do it to some extent. That system is entirely dynamic in the same way.

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That could be another way to get the effect of helping people come to low sec for gfights.

The problem is that you must first be a guy with high standings to don’t get worried about standings.

For newbies whose standings / sec status wouldn’t be high, fighting still would be discouraged.

If people shoot back the sec hit should be nullified. There is already something in place that tracks this, as you would get a kill right if you did not shoot back.

Thats why I said 0.0 to 5.0 standings against one another would be the same. And the dynamic loading would only effect anyone engaging someone under -0.0. Either being above it or being above the player they are engaging. Aka I am -2.1 and I engage a -4.5 I would take less of a hit to do so than if they were -3.2 and I would take a bigger hit if they were -1.8 and it would plateau to the old levels at 0.0 and above.

It would give incentive to hunt lower criminal “scum” for those who wish to RP. And would mean that there are less targets for someone who cares about sec hit as the target pool would depend entirely on an individuals previous actions.

It wouldnt change a lot tbh but might change it a touch for those that care.


When Sugar Kyle was on the CSM a couple of years back, there was an idea floated that CCP openly liked and may eventually getting around to implementing when they next look at lowsec/FW.

That was based on entering a PLEX giving a short suspect timer. Not the full 15 minutes, but a shorter one (5 minutes was floated).

That would allow people wishing to pvp to do so in PLEXes without sec status hits, but also allow the normal mechanics to apply if you engage someone on a gate (eg. as part of a gate camp, or just catching someone in passing, etc.) and normal mechanics at belts, anoms, sigs, mission sites apply also.

That way, players that want to pvp without affecting their sec status too much, can go pvp in PLEXes and people are not discouraged from the other activities that occur in lowsec (any more than they are already anyway).

That was kind of a simple, easy to understand and apply approach that made sense.

Obviously, there are other opinions, but I do like that approach myself.


Yeah I was a supporter of that one and had wondered where it had gotten to tbh.

The only problem with that, as I mentioned before, is that it ruins the element of surprise for non-fw players hunting in lowsec. That 3-5 seconds of psychological prep time is big. It will make all the difference in where you are within a plex to keep the timer rolling (staying within 30km Of the button) and when you decide to pull out for range or close in towards the warp in.

The plexes already exist in this way and pilots have been creating fights or ‘duels’ now for a long time now.

I used to push the suspect timer as well, but it has to flag when the pilot enters the deadspace pocket and not when the gate is activated.

Yeah, my recollection is this is the way it was preferred in the end.

Ideally, not a gate activation flag, but would activate once you reach a certain distance from the beacon (eg. like a cloak doesn’t work when you are within 30km of the beacon…same thing, just starts a short suspect timer)

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That surprise factor is important. You coud see who is active or not, specially for criminals like me which I do not get suspect when attack somebody else.

Maybe is better to do not lost standings/sec in the plexes, and let the other things stay as they are now.

To the OP:


These are just QoL changes. What really dumbs eve down is asset safety and the soul crushing redundancy of forming up for the same op three times.

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