Lowsec is actually quite decent for isk making if you keep to a pvp at any moment attitude and prepare for it.There’s alot of people making good bank running lvl5s ded sites or scouring belts for rare spawns. The lack of interest is because all the krab have no control over their area or sense of safety . In highsec they got Concord for what it’s worth in null they got their blob of blues for Intel protection and stations to safe up in even in wormholes you can close your connections and get a sense of’its safer to krab now’ , in low you don’t
+1 for being a good novice.
While this won´t be very popular:
Ban cynos from low sec.
This will take away the ability to effectively bypass low sec, which automatically results in more activity in low sec. Suddenly camping supply lines becomes a valid option for warfare against alliances again, which potentially attracts pirates. Alliances become interested in breaking up those camps, but can´t just drop a capital fleet on small groups.
All together fighting over supply lines was a decent enough conflict driver back in the days, before alliances gained the ability to just bypass low sec. While afterwards ganking in high sec became the only real option for true pirates. And with pirates I mean people who have the goal of making the shooting of other people their prime source of income.
I’d type a meaningful reply but it won’t matter. If you look at Jestertrek’s (ex-CSM) AMA on reddit, CCP senior management don’t even listen to their own devs, or play the game. What hope do customers have in providing feedback?
I am a predominantly low sec player. Having the first system connecting to low sec as a mid between high and low with punishment for ganking ie via npc faction navy is not a bad idea.
However having npc guns made stronger through iut low is a bad idea. The more dps from npc just encourages the counter which is more organised pvp gangs and blobbing. If you wanted to repopulate low then removal of guns would help new bro’s out more. Low sec rewards are underwhelming, null officer spawns should be moved to low sec.
The only reason to do pve in low is the high end pirate capital bpc’s, lvl 5’s while glamor 75 works and to gate camp. Null and wh does everything else better.
In terms of Null / Wormholes “doing everything better” - I returned recently from a 4 year break and have come to realise just how badly CCP have failed - specifically by wrecking Industry.
The new “POS replacement” structures are stupidly balanced. Why should Null get so many boosts over Low like Reprocessing (better refine rates), Reactions (better reaction profit), Research (better/quicker) etc when the ONLY reason people used to not do much industry which was the RISK of losing all your blueprints/mats etc was also removed with asset safety.
Lowsec has exactly the same risk now as null for industry without any of the benefits. Even Thukker ‘rigged’ Capital building has been left in the wake of Null. Then there’s the Rorqual changes… Just lol. An Endgame mining vessel (as if they didn’t learn from Titans that endgame “profession” vessels are stupid) that is about 3 times better than the best barge, requires caps (or a blob to kill), has a get out of jail free PANIC button… For fucks sake CCP how do you not forsee the issues with that?
The latest economic reports show how badly they have wrecked industry - with lowsec now carrying all the risk but no reward.
This is blatantly a shoddy result of the CSM echo chamber - Nullsec lobbying stupid CCP decision makers (Hi Fozzie!) and boosting their gaming area to the detriment of all areas of the rest of the game. Sov upgrades were not broken enough they had to basically take all Industry to Null too? Stupid stupid stupid.
Then there’s Factional Warfare… lowsec did once at least have that content to make it fun. Returning to find it literally unchanged after 4 years when part of my leaving was because FW had gone stale even back then! It just shows CCP has given up even trying to improve or innovate in Eve - they are now in “wind-down” cash grabbing mode milking the remaining players until its probably slow drawn out death by a million monocles.
Rorquals were made the way they were and capitals buffed to increase subs so they could sell the company to Koreans
Agreed. These people don’t really have else where to go do they?
I also agree the risk reward is out of whack but before we wreck low sec by giving it pseudo concord, consider that we shouldn’t destroy yet another entry/low level pvp activity like low sec roaming and solo pvp.
Fixing the risk/reward doesn’t necessarily mean make low sec safer. Null should probably have it’s rewards nerfed and risk brought up. And hi-sec should have its risk brought up.
Level 5’s and fw missions pay handsomely.
PI in lowsec is much better than hi-sec too.
Now that CCP is owned by Korean company Pearl Abyss I’m sure even senior devs have less influence over future development plans. Unfortunately when decisions have millions of dollars riding on them it’s executives and major shareholders that make the call.
But even gigantic companies have caved to player demands before. EA and their new Starwars game comes to mind. If enough players agree (and if the company sees a loss in revenue) changes can be made.
Don’t you know that EVERYTHING in this game all boils down to one thing: farming. And that includes farming of other players via ganks and blobs too.
So anything, and I mean any thing, that forces real engagements for real reasons resulting in real PVP is hated, despised and derided. Oh and the nullsec entities that would be inconvenienced by such a change all have representatives in the CSM. So no.
No shut up and go get ganked or blobbed so you can work up a good case of Stockholm syndrome and stay in the game for 10 years.
This reddit logic… Condensing four words into an acronym and proceeding to type many paragraphs. Not that I’m against some of the ideas. Is YVMV supposed to be a common thing now?
This whole discussion is a misnomer. The goal seems to be to make people who do not live in low sec happy.
Because the current occupants are “pirates and griefers”.
We thought we were paying customers, go figure.
To make low sec work for what it is will also make it more accessible to players who want to transition.
The number one thing low sec needs is a ban on capital ships (non-industrial).
This would make the PvP meta in low sec Battleship and smaller. Right now new players and small corps cannot really grow into anything, eventually the cap hot drop will end your parade.
I took a couple new bros on a frigate / destroyer roam in low once to get them bloodied.
They thought it was cool to see a trio of carriers their first time out.
I thought it was an over reaction to four T1 smalls.
Lowsec was better when it was pirates and griefers.
Because to have pirates and griefers, you need victims. There are few pirates and griefers because there are few victims. There are few victims because nobody wants to go to lowsec. Nobody wants to go to lowsec because they get either blobbed or scanned down or both.
For years, after the new scanning mechanic, and the obsession with stats and a bit of meta gaming, and people responding to that by not going into certain death, lowsec became the parking lot around the shopping mall in the zombie movie. All these people hanging around, seemingly mindless and dormant, until some living meat appears and they all swarmed.
Thanks fatal funnels (gates).
Thanks complete disconnect from the reality of signal science and allowing dozens of large ships to lock and track a smaller ship without experiencing signal noise, cross talk, n-strobes, and break off.
And the biggest victim was the forums: thread after thread after thread that amounted to little more than “Hurrr durrrr CCP change mechanics so more people can be forced into my raep cage!”
The argument was lost though. The pirates went out of business, or hamster-rationalized themselves into becoming mercs. The griefers started highsec aggro-fu tactics and when the ability to abandon wrecks came about they snapped and we ended up with CODE and E1.
Nobody complains about lowsec any more. I miss those days. I would see those threads and think “ooh what will it be this time? Will is be blaming every player for being risk averse? Will it be lack of carrot and stick? Will it be goons getting the blame? Carebears? Pirates?”
The game was better when lowsec sucked and was fully of pirates and griefers and victims. Let’s make lowsec great again.
Ban all teh things in lowsec.
You see I did the same thing once with a battle cruiser and a few noobs in cruisers and we almost took out a megathron. That was way more exciting than OMGWTFBBQ. I think the worst part about it is what kind of player takes carriers out after T1s? I bet they would call people who don’t take T1s into lowsec “risk averse”.
Lowsec has a niche and its not about making isk. Its about pvp. Pvp pvp pvp.
The only changes I would support of lowsec is stuff that increases pvp outside of faction warfare space cause there is a lot of dead lowsec.
I would bet most of what you consider ‘pvp’ is yes… griefing. A coward who won’t attack another ship built to fight back, unless the odds are 10:1 in their favor of course.
Hot dropping 20 supers on a ratting BS. griefing. Gatecamping low gates. griefing.
Reminds me of a roommate I had back in college… He played NCAA Football (RIP) on my PS2 and would go in and change all of his players to ‘99’ stats across the board and make them 6’10 and 400 lbs… He won every game by basically 200-0. Honestly, what’s the point or purpose in playing? I’ll ask the same question to Eve’s ‘ELITE’ pvpers… You are no different than him, so, what’s the point in playing?
When you leave can I has your stuff
This is not quite right. The problem with gate and station sentries is that they have incompetent AI and straight DPS is not the answer unless they are going to shoot a target until it dies.
Many times, I have had the upper hand against an opponent but as soon as another one engages, the sentries switch targets, leaving me in effectively a 2v1 against the original attacker. That is my ship taking 2x DPS and each of them (assuming just 2) tanking 1x DPS. That’s dumb if you want gate guns to deter gate campers but that’s obviously not what they’re for.
If you really wanted sentries to protect, they would not be doing DPS, but ewar, stasis webifing or warp scrambling or ECM or energy neutralizing or . . . pretty much anything other than the paltry DPS they currently do intermittently against changing targets.
Having had all these discussions before, it is clear to me that CCP doesn’t want sentries killing pirates, at all, or otherwise disrupting pirate activity. The fruits of previous discussions saw dumber sentries which no longer reduce incoming DPS by killing drones, insta-locking carriers, a change of status for aggressors in low sec from CRIMINAL, to merely SUSPECT, which enhances their ability to camp high sec gates, cheap T1 logistics buffed . . . and that’s all I can think of off the top of my head. But, those are all buffs to gate campers, specifically.
There are ways to tilt the playing field in favor of the defender in low sec. CCP doesn’t appear to want that. Perhaps I am misinterpreting their actions, though.