Lower (50%) FPS in SOV space


I recently came back to EvE after a break. To get my rust off I was flying for a while in NPC space. Yesterday I flew into SOV and I noticed huge fps drop. This is only happening in SOV. I tried lowering few settings and seems that setting Shader Q to low to with Vsync on is helping, but come on. It’s 2024… I’m running EvE on gfx 4070 , 32GB ram.

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Ugh I thought I was imagining things but yeah I have the same problem, and an alliance mate does too! We thought it might be AMD GPU related (we’re both on AMD), but you’re not so that’s out…

Also, I noticed if you ever open the industry window, even if you close it again it’s a permanent¹ reduction in fps until you restart the client — especially bad in sov space? Not sure if that’s related or not…

¹ definitely not a short term problem at least, still impacts an hour later.

Dx12 or 11? Dropping to 11 might help

Just tried that, unfortunately DX11 performance seems noticeably worse overall :frowning:

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