Lowsec motorcycle gang seeks new blood

Black Rebel Rifter Club is recruiting

The majority of R1FTA pilots are first and foremost solo pilots who like to gang up on occasion to take on the bigger stuff. We mainly fly frigate hulls and we pride ourselves on this playstyle. Most of our members can fly the heavier gear should the need arise, but at heart we are frigate junkies and this shows on our killboards. Ex-R1FTA director Kaeda Maxwell sums up our corp and alliance ethos in this article from an old recruitment post:

We have no skillpoint or skillset requirements, all we require is a good attitude and a willingness to cause explosions be it the enemy or yourself.

So you want to PvP, but you don’t want to write up a bloody report after every killmail, or be interogated about every goddamn silly loss mail. In fact, it’s a bloody video game darnit and you just want to shoot things in the face while listening to music. No need for all this “pro PvP” silliness.

Well, we may be what you’re looking for. You see, we also like shooting things in the face and we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We do have three rules, but they’re simple ones:

you honor agreed upon 1v1s and ransoms
you never use ECM
you never use any mining modules

The sanction for breaking them is real simple, too: we kick you.

We’re all about PvP, but we’re a little different from most low/null security PvP corporations in that we’re a lot less organized and heavily focused on flying solo or in really small gangs (sub five people). And that we generally fly “light equipment:” T1/T2 frigates, destroyers & cruisers without logistics support and often without comms. We have organized proper fleets with comms weekly, sure, but our default modus operandi is flying around solo and then screaming in corp chat for help if you tackle something big (and its tank won’t break)

If we sound like your kind of people, check out our Manifesto and contact myself in-game


Bump it


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