Lunar Group is seeking all type of players & ages.
Please read to see what we offer:
Orca Boost around the clock for most days & nights.
Free Starter ships & fittings for new players to help you out.
We offer freighting service’s to move you from your home to our base. (Free)
We offer around the clock Orca boost with help of hauling for you if you need it.
Our corporation offers prize give away weekly & monthly for those that would like to sign up.
(BPO’s, BPC’s, Ships, Fittings, & So much more!)
We offer a Ore Buy back program so it saves you the time of hauling & taking away your isk making time just to find a good buyer.
We also offer a ship buy back program (with rigs & fittings or with out) for MOST ships.
We offer loot buy backs as well from all members with in our corp.
Ship Insurance is offered threw corporation for most ships at .30%
We also sale ships for our corporation threw contracts with a good fit. (Drones, Rigs, Shield Resist, Up Grades ALL included)
We are based in high-sec & seeking to move to low-sec soon.
Also the best part as well about us is SRP. (We offer a SHIP REPLACEMENT PROGRAM WHEN ON OPS)
We are as listed below.
Incursion runners,
Role Play,
WH site running,
Site Running,
We also have class’s offered for those that would like to sign up for the following,
We offer one on one help to help those that may need it in Eve.
We have so, so much more to offer!
We just ask that you take 5 minutes out of your time to hear us out.
Because we know that’s all it’s going to take to have you on our side & trust me it’s worth the time.
So when you think Eve think Lunar Group!
The group that stands with you like family.
Please feel free to contact me in game as well as on the forms.