Main AFK cloaky thread

My point is that a cyno modules do not just fit on cloaking ships. You can fit one on a procurer. You can fit one on a ratting ship. In Delve all ratting carriers and rorquals fit a cyno. There is a standing cap fleet made of other ratting carriers and faxes sitting on stations. So when you get tackled you yell on comms, and when told to light the cyno and the calvary comes through.

Maybe so, but I am unconvinced. This story is predicated on you already knowing there is a cloaky there and having cloaked ships sitting and waiting. Since you don’t know this is the case it is basically that wormhole groups always have a cloaked fleet sitting around idle. Maybe that is true, but it sounds amazingly wasteful. Here, please sit in this cloaking ship and do nothing to acquire ISK/resources for a few hours. There have been a number of wormholers in this thread and they have never indicated this is the case.

Other than when you are cloaked at a safe you really don’t impact game play except via local…which the other side uses to ensure their safety.

Sauce for the goose, Mr. Savik.

A 2 hour cycle time would mean waiting 2 hours for the cloak to turn off when you deactivate it. The game doesn’t support modules that can turn on or off instantly but also have a 2 hour cycle time. Sounds like a lot of programmer time to rework the code for a “fix” that can be circumvented with a simple script that presses F1 once every 2 hours.

Try having a standing fleet active to defend your space. Maybe alliances wouldn’t have such a hard time attracting actual PVP players if there wasn’t such a huge focus on avoiding all forms of PVP through intel tools. I’ve had alts in alliances that actually yelled at people for fighting back against roamers, because “it only encourages them to come back”. With that kind of environment it’s no wonder you only attract renters and ratters who rely on intel tools and forum whining to turn nullsec into highsec with better rewards.

Wat? This is completely outrageous sir. What do you think this is? A PvP game?

This is why these ideas to put a timer on are so wrong. If a player patiently stalks another for 15 or 20 hours the game should not punish his patience.

So cynos can’t be used by an attacking covert ops ship, alright then. For an alliance your size you got the logistics to maintain a proper response fleet to defend each other. Smaller pocket alliances however don’t have such luxuries. I’ve been on the receiving end of cloaked campers while participating in those smaller groups who don’t have the logistics to maintain a proper response fleet like that.

If someone’s real bored, got an alt, and isk to spare, they’ll go do things that aren’t isk-effective. You could also be me who’s not interested in maxing out my isk/hr. The cloaky camper can (and frequently is) somebody’s combat alt that’s just parked in the system and left there for days or weeks and do nothing. Eventually people get complacent about his presence, and that’s usually when someone dies.

Ain’t luxuries. They’re mandatory. No one deserves space. Ya gotta earn it and make sure no one’s takin’ it. And if ya paid for it, then ya really shouldn’t be havin’ it. That’s not a bob damn opinion, it’s how the game works in general.

What on earth are they doing in NS then? If you can’t defend your space against a handful of hostiles you have bigger problems.

This is a failing of the alliance then. If 10 or 15 guys are going to cause this much of a headache what do you do when 250 roll on in and start shooting all your stuff?


I don’t know what the hell the first alliance I was in was doing. My corp eventually left because of a complete lack of support. My second time in nullsec that alliance fell apart because they were forced to retreat from their home and couldn’t re-establish themselves in a new region. The second one was fun while it lasted because the local raiders weren’t used to fighting people looking for an excuse to fight back.

EVE working as intended. You tried, you failed, you got kicked out and had to go back to highsec. The solution is to get better at EVE and have a stronger alliance next time, not to whine that PvP happens in nullsec and you can’t just farm PvE sites all day.

100% uncounterable cloaking is dumb.
100% accurate local intel is also dumb.

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Cloaking doesn’t DO anything to other ships, what exactly are you trying to counter?

Wow…something I can agree with…or maybe too much scotch.

Cloaking doesn’t DO anything to other ships, what exactly are you trying to counter?

Intelligence gathering? Enemy movement? People lighting cyno’s? It’s pretty dumb to say having cloaked ships in a system doesn’t benefit the enemy.

Nothing should be 100% safe. Wasn’t the meme that if you undock you consent to pvp?

So you want to remove local, all good with that!

Good thing no one said that, of course you know that, way to be intentionally misleading.

Good thing no one said that, of course you know that, way to be intentionally misleading.

Only after you pretended cloaked ships don’t do anything.

to other ships.

No wonder you’re whining about cloakers when you can’t even read a full sentence properly.

Yes because being ambushed or 20 torpedo bombers jumping to a cyno doesn’t hurt you at all.

but “hur dur that only hurt you after they decloaked”

This is just a dumb sentence because there are plenty of reasons why you want to get rid of cloaked ships.

Nothing in space should be 100% safe.

And more misleading statements.

Because you are playing solo and have huge pixel fear?

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