What if it was 4-1 in your favour? You think it’d be the same?
Is the issue afk cloaking, or is it that they can drop an overwhelming force on top of you?
What if it was 4-1 in your favour? You think it’d be the same?
Is the issue afk cloaking, or is it that they can drop an overwhelming force on top of you?
Even if 4 to 1 in my favor, Cloaky Camp is still lower risk than I have in my own space. You don’t have to deliver a crushing defeat for it to be a win.
I agree with removing Null local. That would effectively remove cloaky camper.
Not remove, change.
How would local be changed? This sounds intriguing.
It would. But it would also allow you to hide your own defence forces.
Normally a cloaker would measure the risk of dropping on you or wait until enough fleet mates log in for a sure victory.
If there’s no local, they don’t know how many buddies you have in system, or cloaked, or in station ready to counter attack. It’s harder for the attackers to ensure victory.
Oh I like that! Sounds positively game changing and field leveling! Bravo!
Many suggestions have been made.
I like not showing up in local unless you are observed by something that registers you (gate, ship, citadel etc).
Perhaps a module that stops you showing up in local for a while. That way you gain advantage but sacrifice a slot to do so.
Maybe just delay local full stop. There was no afk cloaking when that happened naturally (chat failure) apparently.
So many options, and changing cloaks is not required.
Bravo! Spot on! I do like it, a lot! Lets do it! Any of it!
The best local changes all make the most sense around gates in sov, and hacking skills/modules:
The topic itself of course doesn’t apply to non-sov space since “You don’t own it therefore anyone can be there for as long as they like”.
I can only go by what you write, not what you meant to say when you wrote it - and what you said was very clearly
Furthermore, I don’t even disagree with your general thesis - I said “put simply you are AFK when you’re not watching the screen.”, perhaps I should have said “put simply you are AFK when you’re not watching the EVE screen.” My point was that AFK is simply the wrong TLA for the situation we’re discussing - which would have been clear if you could get past the butt-hurt of someone daring to disagree with you, and actually read what they said.
AFK == Away from keyboard.
Away == “Absent from a place” : “Gone”
There really isn’t any room to misinterpret what AFK means.
please dont nerf afk cloaking, its my best skill yet
I’ll give you that one. I could have stayed out of the weeds and moved on. Props and points for calling me on it.
Thanks for steppin up! No worries though, I doubt it goes anywhere.
That the defenders always default to the same, exact, word for word, response? Yea, it’s like talking to a wall that barks back.
You change local, and you change much more.
Hunters don’t know what’s present and have to spend more time hunting for less, communication (in an mmo, I know it’s crazy) basically bottoms out, ect ect
Naturally it would me we would remove jita local, which is a good thing, but people also ask for advice and help there, so why remove that?
Of course, it just seems those pushing the remove local idea don’t care about the ramifications.
Which, is why I suggested that Cloaking devices generate heat, very slowly, making prolonged cloaking dangerous, but cloaking for normal, active player actions, stays the same effectively.
Of course we can’t have any compromise, can we? After all, if your goal is to get local removed, why even bother with an idea that only effects the pure-afk cloakers, and nothing else? An idea that increases danger, drives some content, and puts the risk back into eve online.
People that stop playing because it affects the game. Unless you live in a state of denial.
And you’re afraid of change. Also you should get a medal for having so many duplicate posts.
It’s not done because the goal of afk cloaking isn’t intel, it’s harassment.
They don’t sit there all day spamming d-scan, they sit there all day and maybe, just maybe, look at what is around in the system they are cloaked in.
So you run with a group that uses intel bots? Because that’s the only way your intel from local is perfect and flawless.
Also do you even play the game? It’s far from stable.
Oh look, this arugment again.
Do you consider everyone in the game to be this? The effects of a cloaked ship are felt in all areas of space, less so in WH space, but it’s all over. You’re cloaked, you’re safe. Run into something in lowsec? Cloak up, walk away, come back whenever. Get a suspect timer in highsec? Cloak up, run away, let it remove it self. Cloaked wartarget in highsec? Can’t do anything about that.
This forum and thread doesn’t need anymore poster trash.
Who whitelist afk campers, and even if they didn’t they make so much isk because they can operate 23/7, your little cloaky operation doesn’t even make a dent. At this point, the only people who want afk cloaking to continue are those with business interests in the action.
I’m cloaked and should be invincible, with no risk and no limits!
Then what’s the point of wormhole space.
If you give something related to gameplay, you have to take something away. Can’t d-scan while cloaked? D-scan breaks your cloak?
Pirate class ships could do this. Would invoke a delay to joining local, or just removal from it completely until they attack a player. Would make their useage more functional. It is possible you could make a high slot item, but it’s got to take up a weapon slot or require enough powergrid/cpu to be more than an auto-take.
That’s actually not a terrible idea, but I can assure you roaming groups would mostly if not completely cease roaming null if this happened, what with capitals dropped on anything that moves.
That the RMTers whining about AFK cloaking keep proposing the same terrible ideas, almost word for word? Yeah, it’s not a surprise that the responses are the same.
but people also ask for advice and help there, so why remove that?
The most common proposal is to have WH-style local everywhere. The channel is still there if you want to use it for a conversation, but you don’t appear until you speak and it is useless for gathering intel if the target is staying quiet.
Which, is why I suggested that Cloaking devices generate heat, very slowly, making prolonged cloaking dangerous, but cloaking for normal, active player actions, stays the same effectively.
And, as you keep refusing to acknowledge, that doesn’t make prolonged cloaking dangerous. It makes it impossible. And the primary result is not PvP kills against exposed AFK players, it’s those AFK players logging out every time they go AFK and local becoming more effective as a tool for avoiding PvP.
Of course we can’t have any compromise, can we?
No, not when your starting position is “buff RMT botting”. If you want compromise then propose a reasonable idea that genuinely encourages PvP. Don’t just keep proposing RMT buffs with a flimsy pretense of being about PvP.
It’s not done because the goal of afk cloaking isn’t intel, it’s harassment.
And if you’re weak enough to have your system shut down by a player who never bothers to engage then guess what: you deserve to be harassed out of nullsec. An AFK cloaker who doesn’t even bother to attack is about the weakest possible PvP threat you can be faced with and you can’t even handle that minimal threat. Go back to highsec until you learn to be better at EVE.
Run into something in lowsec? Cloak up, walk away, come back whenever. Get a suspect timer in highsec? Cloak up, run away, let it remove it self. Cloaked wartarget in highsec? Can’t do anything about that.
Why cloak when you can just dock? There’s a reason why all the complaints about AFK cloaking involve nullsec, the only reason to do it is that you need to mitigate the use of local as an intel tool and don’t have a station to wait in.
If you give something related to gameplay, you have to take something away.
That’s nonsense. How about we just take something away from the entitled renter trash farmers and remove their intel tool. We don’t need to give them a buff to make up for it, we can just nerf them because they deserve it.
Then why are you still here?
You obviously don’t have a clue about this either… Not that I’m surprised…
Not having immediate local is far from the only difference between known space and wormhole space… You really should educate yourself instead of just throwing easily disproven trash “arguments” around, but I suppose doing that is the only thing you’re actually capable of doing.
I’m not going to respond to you again. You simply aren’t worth the effort.
lmao this shitty topic is still a thing? After 16 years?
Maybe its time to suck it up.
So, uhm, how do you suggest I can follow someone for a while gathering information and waiting for the perfect opportunity in my cloaky ship without exposing myself due to cloak heat?
I do think something needs to be done about AFK cloaking, but such a change should not negatively impact active cloaked gameplay. And as such, I do not think cloak heat is the right solution.
No idea how it was 16 years ago, but these days we still have local to show you exactly who is in system, hence the AFK cloaky ships and this discussion.
There has been an official, unified forum thread discussing this topic going back to, I think, 2009. Maybe earlier. And it has been discussed in disparate topics and other forums for longer I’m sure.
Surprisingly little has changed on the topic in that time, particularly the arguments for and against changing how cloaking and local work. Kinda adds some weight to the whole “maintain the status quo” crowd.