and yet again you skip over the part where at some point you cannot simply use the next plexed account to make more ISK because the player does not physically have the time to do so, but will always have the time to spend that plex ignoring an AFK account.
The decision to make ISK or AFK camp isn’t a mutually exclusive one because alt accounts aren’t limited in number, only by the need to spend a single plex activating them. Your cost in making that choice is One Plex per AFK account. You can have an Infinite number of ISK making accounts so long as their ISK income is greater than the cost of a plex, but the cost of an AFK account is never more than one plex, and if you can find a way to make ISK with it, like being subsidized to afk camp a system, it’s less than that.
You seem to be pretending like you somehow magically become more than one person when you make an alt account, but multiple personality disorders aside, you don’t. Your only limits are the time you can spend actively playing and the cost of one Plex. Since an AFK account requires effectively zero time actively playing, that leaves the total cost of one Plex.
For the cost of one Plex you could go do the most lucrative thing you can manage and still AFK camp, on into infinity. Until you run out of time to make ISK it’s never a mutually exclusive decision more expensive than a single plex. It does not compound, it’s always that one lonely plex to set up a single AFK camp.