This is the part that is pure BS and proves you are either not the economist you claim or are just trolling.
Using that alt to do anything else is immaterial and has no further cost because you can have unlimited alts active and doing whatever you want. It’s not an Either A or B choice, it’s a choice between doing just A or A and B for the price of a plex. Opportunity cost: One Plex. done.
If that were the case they would have long ago dropped the local roster off the chat bar, like practically every other MMO in existence has had as a default condition since MMO’s were created. EVE is the only game I have ever played that kept a roster of who was in the zone with you on the screen at all times.
Yeah, it was designed to be that way, and the game was balanced around that fact. Wormholes were your experiment to see if dropping local from the game was workable, and the fact that they are the least populated area of space while being simultaneously the most profitable speaks volumes as to how that experiment turned out.
Because the 100% safety of cloaking comes at the cost of being able to accomplish anything besides sitting idle in space. You can’t generate wealth, you can’t engage in PvP, all you can do while AFK cloaking is sit there. So obviously the risk vs. reward tradeoff should be different than when you’re talking about a player who is farming the most profitable PvE content in the game.
You’ve had this explained to you multiple times, but you’re still too ****ing stupid (or too desperately defending your RMT operation) to understand it.
You want to cry about Local giving early warning, fine. Accepted. Change it so you stay out of Local until you drop the gate cloak.
Well, you’re just demonstrating your ignorance of PvP here. Gate cloak and the loading delay are not the issue. Even if you don’t appear until you drop gate cloak PvE farming will still be nearly 100% safe, and it will require exceptional luck to have even a chance of being fast enough to catch a PvE farmer before they see you in local and warp out. We are not fooled by your attempt to offer a “compromise” position that looks like a concession that in reality does nothing to hinder your farming (and likely RMT).
You want to cry because other people don’t want to play as your personal piñata? Too bad, so sad. HTFU.
They are free to not play as my personal pinata, and removing local doesn’t change this. Running level 1 missions in a T1 fitted T1 frigate in highsec is essentially 100% safe from me. What I object to is being able to farm the most profitable PvE content while also having essentially zero risk of loss, breaking the entire risk vs. reward concept that nullsec is supposed to have the greatest PvE profit but also the greatest risk of failure.
If you accomplish nothing, why do it at all. For what possible reason would you do such a thing…
Oh right. It does do something, and that something should not be allowed to happen in perfect safety with no possibility of being interrupted without the pilot’s consent.
Your entire point, if we can consider your ranting as coming to a point, was that local provides advance warning. If you stay out of local until the gate cloak drops then you are completely loaded in system, can see the grid, and are on an even footing and even have an intel advantage over those already present. But since what you want are helpless victims and not an actual pvp experience then none of that matters.
You seem to have a real issue with basic comprehension. It’s a sandbox game. That means everyone can do whatever they want. They don’t have to stay in t1 frigates in high sec just because you said so. You should not have a magic safety button to protect you from the consequences of hunting them on their home ground without at the very least staying as active and aware as they do in evading you.
You are correct, it should not be allowed to happen in perfect safety. That is why, to benefit from AFK cloaking, you are required to stop being AFK, shut off your cloak, and engage in PvP combat with all of the associated risks of destruction. These are risks that are massively greater than any “risk” involved in PvE farming.
Your entire point, if we can consider your ranting as coming to a point, was that local provides advance warning. If you stay out of local until the gate cloak drops then you are completely loaded in system, can see the grid, and are on an even footing and even have an intel advantage over those already present. But since what you want are helpless victims and not an actual pvp experience then none of that matters.
Oh FFS, why do you keep talking about PvP? Every time you speak on the subject you just demonstrate your utter ignorance of how things work.
It has nothing to do with helpless victims, because nobody is forcing you to farm your PvE content in helpless ships. It has to do with engaging a target at all. And getting to see the grid around the gate does nothing for you because PvE does not occur at the gates. If the target is more than 14AU from the gate you have zero chance of catching them. If the target is aligned you have zero chance of catching them. If the target is smart enough to move away from the warp-in point you have zero chance of catching them. If the target is running a signature site instead of an anomaly (therefore requiring probes) you have zero chance of catching them. If any of those things are true local still provides effectively 100% safety, and staying out of local until you drop gate cloak changes nothing.
The only time gate cloak keeping you out of local will matter is in the incredibly lucky situation where you have a target at an anomaly within 14AU of the gate, you can identify which anomaly it is before gate cloak expires, and they have just arrived at the site and not been able to move off the warp-in point yet. And that’s pretty damn rare.
They don’t have to stay in t1 frigates in high sec just because you said so.
No, they don’t. But moving to nullsec to farm the most profitable PvE content should have more risks than running level 1 missions in highsec. That is basic game design, and right now that principle is being ignored. And you want to make it even worse.
Why else would someone defend zero-risk PvE farming so stubbornly, if their personal financial benefit isn’t at stake? Either you’re a RMT farmer, or a masochist who looks at RMT farming and says “that’s exactly what I want to do in EVE, but without getting paid for my misery”.
Perhaps that’s how you see the actual game part of the game. But then, your perceptions of reality are clearly…non-standard.
I enjoy EVE, except for the predatory PvP parts. Perhaps you should invest your time in a game you enjoy instead of making the game experience miserable for others in this one?
OMG…no. I also face opportunity cost for that ISK or even the PLEX. Do I use all those PLEX for a second account or to PLEX the trading account? Or do I use the PLEX for other things?
And I’d been responding right back that the point of the thread was AFK camping… to which you kept spouting the same rot about the fact you “could be mining” or whatever.
But I’m glad you finally admitted that AFK camping has no cost other than travelling to the place you’re camping at.
IOW, you don’t enjoy EVE. The “predatory PvP parts” are a deliberate design goal, one of the key elements that the developers wanted to include. It’s like saying you enjoy a FPS, except the part with all the guns. You’re rejecting a defining element of EVE, and the solution is to find a different game rather than trying to change EVE into your ideal carebear fantasy.
(Seriously, CCP was founded by a bunch of old-school MMORPG gankers who wanted a scifi version of the gameplay they enjoyed.)
You really are some special kind of daft to somehow read the complete opposite of what he actually says out of his posts. But then again, you’re just a pathetic liar with tunnel vision.
Nobody is AFK 23.5/7. They are ATK some of the time, and at those times those alts are now useless for making ISK. Someone who is “AFK camping” is ATK at least part of the time. AFK camping is often used for getting kills. To get kills you have to be ATK at least part of the time.
If you want to argue that someone who is somehow AFK all the time (are they logging in remotely and activating their cloak at a safe?) doesn’t make any ISK and faces not opportunity cost…okay, great you are right for the empty set of player this applies too. Congratulations.
But it does not matter that those alts are useless, because alts aren’t a limited resource. you do face an opportunity cost, but that cost is one plex, nothing else.