Main War declaration thread

Since this comment is directed at me I will need clarification on exactly what you mean by it. It seems you have a point to make but I’m not understanding it given the wording you chose. Know that this is not intended as a slight against you but rather a simple request for clarification.



Killmails caused this thread :rofl:

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I read in a blog about the CSM minutes that it was discussed how the wardec system causes a drop in the defending corps activity that lasts even after the war. It is then said that the wardec system might be worth changing or removing. It’s more likely I’ve been fooled by the EVE version of “fake news.” I doubt that CCP is only now discovering or taking issue with how wardecs affect corporations.

For the sake of discussion and provoking thought, is there a better way? Can the problem be the solution?

First, what is the problem?

Wardecs are non-consensual PVP - Nope, that’s EVE.
Wardecs allow others to destroy what you’ve built - Nope, that’s a sandbox game, sandcastles get kicked.
Wardecs allow experienced players to harvest new players - Nope, never seen a fair fight in EVE.
Wardecs cause active subscribing players to be less active and unsub - YES, this is the problem!

Can the problem be the solution?

Here’s my idea:

What if a wardec’d corp could request concord protection? Protection would be earned by being active, (and staying subscribed.) Concord could give the corp daily assignments/jobs to earn protection. It could be weighted, different levels of PVE/Mining/???. The difficulty of the tasks could be based on how many pilots are in your corp, how many citadels you have, and some way of measuring the combined experience of the corp, (possibly SP or omega months?)
If your corp can’t muster up enough active members to work together and earn protection; the Wardeccers get to feast, (keeping their playstyle alive.)
If you have a ton of inactive members…better cut them.
Of course, you could just not request protection and take your chances…free PVP!

Any other good ideas out there?

Fly fun!

Well being that there are tons of 1 man Corp out there it doesn’t seem practical.

TLDR: I think overall this is a rather poor implementation of the “carrot and stick” approach tbh.

I think we need to stop trying to make, and even keep, this game a “second job.” The harder we make it to play, the less people will want to play it. Not everyone wants to, or even has the time, to play on a daily or even weekly basis.

Trying to create activity floors is bad overall imo.


Great analysis, I also hold the same opinion, I know I find it hard to get the time I need for my activity and when I’m being chased around by wackies it’s just better to log off because I just don’t feel like going through the trouble.

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I think it could be fun if this whole “war” idea was dropped and the suspect timer was used somehow. As the corp declaring. you buy out of Concord destroying you when attacking your “war target”, but also open yourself up to intervention by nearby players. Bit more engaging if you as a third party would like to help defend a structure or such as for example, and would lead to more chaos and mayhem in general which is good.

Corporations can already request assistance, but how often is that mechanic actually used when faced with a wardec?

We really needed another war dec thread so we can repeat all this nonsense?

-1 Stupid idea based off the comments of one uninformed care bear CSM.


There is no such thing in EVE, you consented to PvP when you undocked.


I disagree.
First and foremost EvE is a sandbox game. Do whatever You want without handholding.
Players like You tend to forget that term “do whatever You want” should also be followed by: “with others who want to do thesame thing”.

What kind of Player vs. Player is situation where fully armed and operational fitted ship engages with mining barge ? There is no “vs.” in this situation. This playstyle can’t be recognised as PvP cause there is no challange involved. Only praying on weaker or unexpecting player. Pathetic and small.


The kind that’s allowed in a sandbox and not a themepark.

A sandbox environment leads to situations where things are not fair. There are those that explore, there are those that farm, and there are those that hunt.

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It is a multiplayer sandbox. You can do whatever you want with possible opposition from other players.

Nowhere does it say you can have your own litle place in the sandbox where you can’t be influenced by other players.

No amount of you not calling it PvP will change anything on the fact that you lost to another player in a game, which is PvP. It will also not change the fact that this will repeat itself if you are incapable of learning that it was your fault.

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It doesn’t matter what you think, an opinion doesn’t change reality.


If that is “reality” then why bother with anything else? Mining, manufacturing, reaserching, exploration, ratting, missioning, hauling, trading, roleplaying, player interactions, or whatever else You see fit ?
Lets all jump into PvP fitted ships and start shooting one another weather You like it or not.

Man, CCP was really a bunch of morons to spend all that money on content that is not PvP related. Lets all just laugh at them that they fail at realising this obvious truth that when player chooses to play EVE game, he/she must be involved in PvP.
Hahahah what a bunch of loosers who created all those asteroid belts, moons, planets with mechanics for refining, production, npc rats when all players must engage in hostile activities with one another cause THIS IS PVP GAME (!) Woooooooo.

Hey, CCP ! How many $ went to developers, programmers, artists, designers of all those PVE stuff ? Well You can tell all of them to F**K off cause this is a PVP GAME and there is no place for a bunch of worthless content that they created for … hmm, good question, for who it was actually created ? Well certainly not for players who enjoy PvE gameplay cause clearly THIS IS A PVP GAME ! Hahahah xD

Oh lord…

Really, some people just don’t know how to behave when given freedom of choice.

Because not everyone is interested in killing people. Some are and they are part of the game. You have the right to dislike them, you have the right to fight them and you even have the right to crawl and beg CCP for mercy. And we have the right to shoot you in the face and take your stuff. Nothing personnal…:grinning:

Don’t be intolerant!!


True, true.

Offcourse You know that when You shoot someone who does’t want to be involved in any kind of PvP You literally ruin the game for them? You make them unhappy when they came to EvE in search of placeholderForThingsYouEnjoyInEvEotherThanPvP.
And don’t tell me that EvE is PvP focused game cause that is bullkaka.
There are a lot of players that enjoy PvP and want to get involved it it. They want to shoot and be shot at.
Why harass those who sont like to shoot and be shot at? There is no reason. Go and play with those guys that want it. Why the other way?

Yes, and that’s called piracy. I’m a pirate, not in highsec, and i kill people who are doing PVE to steal their stuff.
It’s bad, i know that, but i love that. I accept getting killed by someone who is prepared, and we need more of those.

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The difference in PvP flagging between EVE and other titles that provide it is that you’re usually protected from being attacked before choosing to engage. That isn’t the case with EVE, and the main difference in what the mechanics decides is consensual and non-consensual PvP.

If someone is playing and they don’t want to be shot at, they’ll unfortunately have to deal with the possibility of being shot at. The mechanics in place don’t protect them from being attacked because that wasn’t their intention.

Could they make a change where such mechanics function in that way? Yes.
Would it make sense? No, not really. Unless it was exclusive to Sanctum since that’s where CONCORD is based.

There is a reason why HiSec exists.
Imagine EvE where all systems are null.
Yes, that would be some people wet dream.
Still … this isn’t the “reality”. There is HiSec where there are strict boundries on PvP.
All players sould hunt one another, shoot one another and kill one another cause EvE is:
And some players focus their game experience around HiSec activities where there are strict boundries on PvP.
How come?!
Curious isn’t it ?