Main War declaration thread

So you admit to being pathetic. Just not as pathetic and some other guy?

Not exactly a great endorsement of yourself.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Do you notice how it was less before the alpha burst? No? Are you blind?

So weā€™re talking about how the alpha burst is fading down and new character creation is on its way to meet pre-alpha levels and your point is that it was less before the alpha burst? What a troll.

No, you first tried to lie about the PCU being down. Then when I said that isnā€™t true you shifted to new players created are down. And since that was BS as well you now pick some region where there is a slight decline completely ignoring that it was lower than today two years ago.

You know you ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  up if you struggle so hard to even find a problem for the crappy solution you want to feed us here.

The extent of paid shills on this board is astounding.

Youā€™re so full of sh*t you canā€™t tell your own lies ā€¦ I was talking about new characters and then YOU brought up the PCU, not ME.


Are you seriously expecting someone to buy this? Itā€™s quite obvious how you lie to try to create a problem so you have a reason to push your stupid ideas.

Do you have something to say on topic? Or will just keep trolling and claiming fantasies that only exist in your mind?

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Iā€™m so annyoed I cnaā€™t even. Imaā€¦

Do you notice the trend line sloping downwards?
That is not a stable PCU.
The fact that prior to alpha characters it might have been lower just says they did a release that got people in and then the slow downwards trend continued.
Edit, half awake, realised that wasnā€™t the right graph they linked. There is still a downwards trend in the last year on the PCU graph though, of about 5-6k average players. Slight up-tick right at the end currently though yes, not yet long enough to say if that will remain.

Note, Iā€™m not claiming that that downwards trend is any great drama and that we should be running around screaming the sky is falling, or anything like that. Nor do we know the entire reason for that trend, which is equally true for those who try and point at it the other way. Just that it is NOT a stable PCU, itā€™s very clearly a downwards trending PCU.

CCP should just concentrate on making the best game possible. And if as part of that best game possible we get some war changes then we get some war changes. I think most parties agree that there are issues to wars at present. Exactly what those issues are is a different matter, Tora identified a good number from the perspective of an attacker earlier in one of the threads, I didnā€™t agree with all of them but there were some great points such as the fact that if PIRAT decs two corps, the two corps canā€™t then rep each other in a fight against PIRAT, and fixing that would actually allow for co-operation between corps being attacked. The lack of the ability to form a group without instantly being targetable is another I would call an issue, whatever the form the solution to that occurs in.

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Just a note, the graphs I posted (red bars) are about newly created characters (NCC) per day, not the PCU. Theyā€™re different measures, specially because NCC itā€™s an absolute number whereas PCU is peak concurrency, independently of how many players actually logged in that day. Longer log ins tend to increase concurrency with the same amount of players; letā€™s say you want to meet a friend in a station between 11 and 12 but donā€™t speciy the minutes, if you stay and wait for him 30 minutes your chances to meet him are higher than if you leave in 10 minutes; same goes for the average concurrency or how many people are logged in at a given moment and how large is the crowding at its peak. So, thereā€™s a degree of uncertainty about how PCU tracks actual players. But for NCC, thatā€™s an absolute measure of people investing in the game.

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Already identified that graph thingy.
As for NCC, is it though? Or is/was itā€™s primary driver a measure of how many people were creating burnable alts for things like scouting, scams, or simply to try crazy new stuff (Or to create alpha bot farms with since people openly brag about running multiple alphaā€™s regularly). None of which indicate real investment.

Seriously, do you have a hobby of creating characters (and accounts) in games you donā€™t care about? :sweat_smile:

Or do you create a character when you have a reason, ANY reason, to create it? Thus, when people no longer create characters, that indicates that their reasons to create them are gone. This is why itā€™s a serious thing, creating a character is a very disctinct sign of player activity and is very disctinctly going down.

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Does the reason really matter. Itā€™s declining. If people have even given up making disposable alts, then things are even worse than most think.

Itā€™s the result theyā€™re discussing.

Well, one is discussing. The other is breaking his back shifting the goalposts every post.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

I have no idea what you are talking about with shifting goalposts but okā€¦

Ima, Nevyn. Not you.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Heā€™s talking about Imaā€™s hobby to troll by denying reality.

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Though I donā€™t think Ima is moving goal posts.
Just attacking anyone they perceive as carebears with an agenda.

LOL. ā€œNo heā€™s not attacking him. Is just using his back to stop that club heā€™s swingingā€. :rofl:

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