Main War declaration thread

These were the original goals of the wardecs. Then people started decs for money for other people. Other groups started doing the same. Now there are a lot of people doing it. Along with a lot of solo players who dont interact with others. Only mine. Only mission. Only PVE by themselves. They drop corp at first sign of a war. New guys starting a corp and fly their wallets around. Nearly nobody fights back. Nearly nobody hires a merc corp for protection.

Its this Im doing it all alone and going to blue ball the mercs that wrecked war decs. On top of the death of the watch list taking targeted war decs away from mercs.

Bring back just a little bit of the RP, work as a team, grow some f’n bawls and fight back.

That would go a long way in “fixing” war decs.

Just read the post. No. So much wrong. You dont understand war decs. Stop trying to change what you dont know.

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Maybe, but if a player leaves the game over this mechanic they were now worth saving in the first place.

  1. You can always drop to an NPC corp.
  2. You can always start your own personal channel.
  3. You can dodge a wardec and still play “together” via 1 and 2 above just without a few benefits from being in the same corporation.

Every now and then someone thinks they can solve the war dec mechanic and in the end they can’t. War decs, like much of PvP in the game is largely voluntary. The one exception is ganking…which many of players want to remove as well.

Bottom line is that EVE is HTFU. If you don’t like wardecs, then drop to NPC corps and hide like pussies. And if you can HTFU said groups will likely move on to NS or WH space…if not as a group then as individuals. Stop trying to fix what can’t be fixed.

I don’t know even where to start to discuss. There are so many reasons and outcomes during the a war that I think it impossible to turn it into a game of ‘capture the flag’. Let’s try some scenarios:

  1. Eve Uni kicks me and I want wage a one-man war of revenge. They are large, and operate in many regions of highsec. My goal is just to kill as many as possible. Where can I fight them and how can I win?

  2. I am a small merc corp and an enemy of Goonswarm hires me to deny them access to highsec trade hubs to disrupt their logistics. I want to camp two or three trade hubs but the main goal is just to disrupt them by having war targets in local, not necessarily score any kills. When do I win?

  3. I want to evict someone from a system. I destroy 10B of their ships but they take it in stride and are still there. Did I win?

  4. I want to disrupt the market influence of my industrial competitor so i declare war. They choose to not undock and while I score no kills, I make a killing selling my goods for more.

  5. I find a juicy target and want to take their stuff so I declare war. I camp Jita and catch one of their transports, but my structures and ISK making operations are in Molden Heath. The target gets mad and comes at me for revenge but they are unable to anything to me in my home system so I laugh at them. I then go back to Jita and wait for them to show up again.

This is a sandbox game so not only are reasons and win conditions hard to determine, it seems counter productive to even try. As for limiting things to a region, that might make sense of wars were only to fight over a structure, but otherwise seems like it is a big limitation to a defender who can’t bring the attack to the other side. Plus you would still need away to declare wars in multiple regions if a corp had multiple structures or areas of operations.

And I still have zero clue where this reward would come from. Generally in this game, the rewards are instrinsic to the reason for a war. But I can’t see any system working that had external rewards added to it somehow - people would exploit the hell out of it.

The only room I see here if you want to give the defenders something to do is force the attackers to have something in space that can be counter attacked to inflict loss on the aggressor. That is worth exploring I think, but otherwise wars are so easy to dodge and can be left at anytime they are already essentially consensual and I think the only major modification they might need is to have a lower-tier level of corp that can dispense with that hassle and just opt-out of wars entirely accepting some limitations.


Look at all the dead ■■■■ highsec citadels and groups that attack them for extortion it’s good

No. What if my goal is to kill you for making this post?

Region only? Hell NO, so the other corp can just move regions to get away? Fail idea.

The reward is to crush my enemies…


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Wow, this idea is horrible.

Massive corps / alliances get abuse smaller corps which will just disband forever because they will never want to be wardec’d ever again (this assumes that those players even keep playing EVE at all).

The declaration of war should cost much more than now. To the point when wardecking noob corp for no reason will be luxury.

On the contrary, it should be cheaper so that noob corps can dec eachother.

If noobs don’t want to be decced, don’t be in a corp. Wardecs are completely VOLUNTARY.


Noobs don’t dec each other, they don’t have any reason to do it. Noobs think about skills and isk making and all this overwhelming stuff EvE throw on them.

Wardecs is field for established pilots, it can be used for good, for enabling content - structure wars, for example, or for cheap harassment.

I think it will be much better if harassment become less cheap.

They don’t dec eachother cause it’s prohibitively expensive. They used to dec eachother when it cost around 5mil and before the ally mechanic.

SOME noobs only care about isk making. Some come here for pvp and want to ‘be the villain’ as eve was sold to them.

You need to get away from this idea that a wardec is harassment. It’s core gameplay. It’s how eve is meant to be played. But don’t worry, it’s OPT IN. You literally cannot be decced unless you join a corp, which is the same as telling everyone you are READY for wardecs.


EVE have decline in player base year after year, maybe core gameplay need to change somehow? Become more friendly to new players?

I think we will see some changes soon enough. I afraid this changes will be too radical, just because EvE Online not a big asset for new owners.

Yeah funnily enough it started declining shortly after the cost of wardecs went up. Go figure.

The game needs new pvp players to carry on the legacy of old pvp players. Making eve carebear friendly is killing the game with lack of conflict and boredom.

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This old pvp elitist bs. Eve need all kinds of players, carebears included. Some carebears will grow to pvp pilots, some will go to more dangerous space for greener pastures and some will stay in secure space and still will be useful for the game. Just by paying for game time, you know.

The old carebear bs.

Carebears aren’t the only ones doing industry or ratting. Pvp players do this too. No carebears aren’t needed. They are a cancer because they think they should be able to play this game but be exempt from it’s core game play.

Wardecs don’t need to be more expensive. They need to be encouraged at every level. But don’t worry. If you don’t want to have them happen to you, you can not be in a player corp.

That is all you need to think about. Stop trying to nerf a perfectly legitimate mechanic because you don’t like it and have an overgrown sense of entitlement.


You think wardecs perfectly fine and I think they are not. Let’s finish this here, because you seem to be unable to do any sort of discussion and can’t ever accept simple fact, what someone can have different point of view on any subject.



Maybe, but that doesn’t change the fact the OPs idea is dumb.


I like motivation part of OP post. Give wardec target something to fight for, victory condition to end war. Maybe even give defender some invulnerability period to new wardecs, after successful defense, of course.

The victory condition is in the game already, if you do not understand this then you should not be posting.

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