We have this people. We always will have this people, who don’t want to fight just because they can. Give them something to fight for and some, not all of them, but some will fight instead of disbanding or logging off. It will be better, because it will mean more fights and less people not playing due to wardecks.
Sure there is. Remove wars. As one CSM said, its just a handful of folks who do war decs. Net players go up!
Gotta hit those bonus pay targets under the recent sale terms…
I am skeptical of this. First off many of those players engaged in war decs would likely quit. Second, it isn’t clear that war decs are causing players to quit. People always say this but it is always based on the following, “Players stop playing for the duration of the war dec, then they quit.” But is that true? Maybe it is, but there has not been any data put forward that supports this claim. In fact, since we know that isolating players from the larger game does tend to lead to players quitting it is possible that removing war decs could have a negative effect even though that is counter intuitive to most people.
And past changes have moved us to where we are. Yes, yes large war dec alliances with hub humping and maybe roaming the trade lanes was a thing, but in the past there were also small war dec corporations with 2, 3, or 4 players. And there was a chance to fight back against that. Especially if they decced more than one corporation. But are there such corporations anymore? Not very many. Why is that? Answer: CCP.
Sorry I thought the winky-face emoji was sufficient to communicate the tongue-in-cheek nature of my post.
I disagree with you about the “Why is that” part (I think its the natural evolution. As both play session time and easy marks have decreased, there is pressure to group up ane be more efficient). But I agree that there was a golden time where it was easier to explode others ships (if thats what you wanted to do). But now we are just singing Glory Days.
So when wardecs were looked at back in 2012, everything was dandy. There were edge cases but nothing statistically significant to suggest that wardecs were having a bad effect on the game. Yeah?
Now after wardecs were nerfed, defenders are harder to find and can have free allies (an unquestionable buff to defenders) wars now make a significant amount of players go inactive for the duration of the dec.
Could it be that it’s not that war decs are so oppressive, but players who used to wardec back in 2012 have since; stopped playing, moved out of hi-sec or joined the big merc groups? And could it be that players are more likely to go inactive when faced with overwhelmingly bigger wardec groups and/or hi-sec players are generally ‘softer’ now that hi-sec pvp has been nerfed to the ground. And could it be that smaller corps who may want to dec don’t because of the completely one sided ally mechanic?
The csm and ccp don’t play in hi-sec. I feel if they did if they did they’d see how mind numbingly boring it’s been since the crimewatch and war dec nerfs. I keep seeing ‘the aggressors have a big advantage during wardecs’ but they don’t. They pick the ‘who’ and the ‘when’. But defenders can mitigate both by leaving corp and/or adding allies. Meanwhile the defenders have unlimted free allies.
This inactivity during a dec still ultimately falls back to ■■■■ corps with ■■■■ leaders. This is where the npe is failing. Something that actually used to be stomped out early by cheaper wardecs and AWOXing.
So if you didn’t read cam minutes.
Ccp finally acknowledged that highsec wars cause a MASSIVE DROP in victim activity.
so ccp and eve player guys, it’s been FREAKING YEARS since Wardecs have been addressed.
What is good about them?
What is bad?
Right now, almost everything about them is bad. And I say that as someone who has in the past enjoyed them quite a lot and would love to see them get better.
Right now, they are enjoyable for nobody. But removing them would be a very, very bad idea. It would be structures galore in a matter of weeks, because that’s the only legitimate purpose they still serve at this point: Keeping structures at bay in highsec.
Wars are fine
Denial is not a river in Africa
Only allow 1-3 highsec wars to be declared at a time. (You would actually have to think about who you want to dec.)
Members may not withdraw from a corporation that is involved in a war.
Cost to maintain a given war grows exponentially on a weekly basis.
Good way to make wars even worse.
Thank you for protecting the hugest groups in EVE from empire engagement.
Didn’t people list a lot of things here already:
The issues with people stopping to play in High sec during and after a war are most likely that they are not interested in sanctioned PVP. They just want to mine some ore in peace or run some missions in space.
On my second point, something has to be done to actually ensure that the mean boys do get some targets, it is their game too.
For my third point, can they just let the war drop and dec someone else to keep costs lower?
Exactly this
It’s always been this, but the sheeple prefer to blame the deccers as they always blame gankers when they die in their 30b charon
Well, maybe they should look for targets that have some members that actually fight back? You know, big groups. I see so many CONDI people fly around high sec even in big ships like Paladins and the big war dec groups don’t spread around enough to actually impede their movement as much as possible.
Any target is a good target
It’s the defender’s choice if they don’t want to fight back, not the attacker’s fault
True, but what’s the point then about “attackers should have targets because it is their game time, too”?
We have the right to go dec whoever we want for whatever reason there is. If people don’t want to fight back, it’s their problem. Not ours, not CCP’s
I agree with that. Yet, everything that has been suggested so far coerces the defenders into fighting a fight they are not interested in. Instead of that, I would suggested people need to be educated more about how to evade wars with dropping corp and leaving a management shell behind if you do not want to fight but continue to play your preferred gameplay style.
Look at ganking
CCP made so many concessions towards the gankees, yet they keep asking for more and more and more.
If CCP does the same with wars, abother very niche market will die because of people being too stupid to fight back
Wars are worst than they were, granted. But that’s all due to CCP removing the one tool preventing most of us from being a bunch of dirty hub campers. They should have foreseen that removing it would have ended up where we currently are…
Sorry for the wall of text (I blame passion)
Like what? Freighters were nerfed into the ground with fittings. DST still die every day. Skiffs don’t die as often, but other barges and exhumers do in unabated numbers since the changes.
Look at capital and mining changes. CCP were told the downsides of these changes multiple times but forthought is not exactly a forte of CCP.