Freighters got 3 slots
And don’t forget that great 33% hull resists they didn’t have…
Look at their fits
People don’t have a clue how to fit them
Again, just look at the fits
I agree
Freighters got 3 slots
And don’t forget that great 33% hull resists they didn’t have…
Look at their fits
People don’t have a clue how to fit them
Again, just look at the fits
I agree
Yet people die to as little as 6 attackers in them, or about 15 if you fit tank. And the slots made it significantly easier for gankers to find soft targets. I would not call that a nerf to ganking.
Properly fitted DST die as well. Gankers have always gone for terrible fittings. Look at all the unfitted T1 haulers that die in Hubs and on the way there every day with hundreds of millions in the cargo. Not a nerf to ganking either. It just gave some more intelligent people means to make their death a slightly harder undertaking.
But we are straying away from wars.
You can’t warrant a Nerf on the basis of people being at fitting whilst carrying hundreds of millions or billions
The only thing that should be done is educating.
Education by explosions
Yeah I’m worried wardecs are going to go the same way as ganking.
Wardecs used to engage SOME players when they were more widely used. Apparently it’s now a ‘literal handful of players’ thanks to the nerfs.
The answer? More nerfs!
What could possibly go wrong?
In order:
Mercs will quit
HS pvp will die
Prices will go up across the board due to stuff not dying anymore
People will complain about it
Prices will keep going up
People will complain and/or quit
Etc etc
Hi sec players already quit from lack of engagement. But don’t want to go into other areas of space.
Cyno’s and capitals are ■■■■ gameplay. Wormholes are pretty hardcore to live in. And faction warfare seems to be fading away.
If there’s no engaging pvp in hisec, it’s over.
perfectly good solutions for the wardec menace have been put on the table. making war decs require a fortizar in a region you want to attack some one in would of solved this problem years ago as it would of meant people declaring war had to defend something.
this is basically a acknowledgment that CCP have failed to act on harmfull yet contentious issues for years. next up cloaky camping and suicide ganking. the difference is the big alliances dont like being war deced but they do like suicide ganking and cloaky camping each other. So watch as war decs get fixed but the other issues dont.
Good job on killing every small group that wants to do wars
And good job at making bigger groups even more powerful lol
Anyone who quits due to a wardec never belonged in EVE in the first place.
Don’t understand why these cry babies keep joining EVE.
Sneaky, hiding it behind what would usually be recognized as a typo!
@ISD_Sakimura, @ISD_Rontea, @ISD_Cobalt, @ISD_Fractal
Please don’t make us repeat all the wardec discussions. Please merge with A new wardec mechanic which is also mostly about high sec.
Uhhhmmm…wouldn’t that mean prices go down? That is, if stuff being blown up goes down, generally speaking, demand curves would shift “inwards” (to the left). Given no change in supply (i.e. the supply curve does not shift inwards as well) prices would go down. In fact, if the reduction in wars means an overall increase in production then the supply curve could shift “outwards” (to the right) and prices would drop again. Overall effect on quantity is ambiguous.
I could see those who manufacture stuff complaining as well. And possibly miners. If the overall effect on quantity is a reduction then there would be less demand for minerals and also likely moon goo. Everyone would see a reduction in prices and likely their profits. Of course, with lower overall prices the reduction in profits may or may not reduce purchasing power.
On the plus side, PvP in NS might pick up a bit as ships and modules would be cheaper losses would be less of a burden on the wallet–i.e. reshipping could possibly be easier.
And then there is the long term. In the long run, it is possible that we see prices go back up as players engaged in manufacturing just quit. So we could see prices, in the long run rise. And there would be less stuff to shoot in HS.
Now some might see that as a bad thing, “the stuff in HS is there to be shot”. No, it isn’t. It is part of the game’s ecology. It is part of what creates the rewards because of the risks players take and impose on each other. It makes the game interesting vs. it just being a boring old farming game that people get sick of and drop.
Change war dec mechanics to only allow a war dec in the event you own a structure.
All problems solved.
You shouldn’t be able to pile on to newbie corps full of miners.
You should have to have something to lose (a structure), before starting a war with others.
I am going to need a real explanation as to why groups of players that are many years old have to stay in Hisec and hunt the newest players instead of actually trying to fight people in their own range. It goes without saying that those motives wont be in line with the sustainability of EvE.
Somehow threating me with “you will lose those people” when those people are considered the “people I really didn’t want” because they chase off such a large amount of customers, isn’t really a threat. Why don’t you threaten I will lose botters next too.
That is mostly what happens now. Well with exceptions:
People with big mouths
People who get in beefs over asteroids
People who post dumb stuff on their mains
Normal players that don’t own structures, don’t Fk with people, and don’t live in Jita don’t actually get wardeced that much.
Neat story except every corp of miners that ever tried to band together would probably disagree with you.
Experienced players spend way to much time stalking newer players, hell they are still crying about the watch list aka (stalker list).
The one who would disagree most would be the one that got in a beef with a CODE alt over an asteroid
You are changing the story completely, CODE does not war dec, and is not the problem, nor is it being discussed as a “problem”.
It was an example, fill in the blank and stop picking nits
They have enough balls to own a structure, if they want to war dec, its appropriate to other people who own structures.
Because a PvP group really needs a refinery or a market.
Try to at least make suggestions that make sense in the game.