Make drone's/container's owner's name and time-to-dissappear visible

Two weeks ago I scooped 5 ‘augmented’ type drones each priced ~50M ISKs. Don’t you think owner would be VERY glad to return them when realized (s)he left it somewhere where not borrkmarked?

Don’t you think that for me scooping it (yep, I was really happy and sold it all afterall) would be good to have a choice - to sell it @market or ‘sell it’ to former owner (receiving some reward for finding it and returning it to owner?). I think everyone would be happy about returning by someone a more then 250M priced drones for even a half price (I would be happy to receive 125M and former drones owner would become my friend also)? Or you can assure me that’s a such rare case when drones become left in space while even not realizing by owner they are there and not in a drone bay?

Now I CAN NOT see who is (former) owner of the drones which are in space.
And want it to be SEEN by me as game mechanics obviously have and check such drone information.
Only I ask - is to SHOW it (as container/wrecks time to expire).
Bad idea? don’t think so.