I think he made that video before it was declared an exploit.
before or after he knew it was a exploit, I think the way he made it public shows poor taste. he should of discussed it in private with CCP. Defiantly not CSM Material
xtra squishy makes my avatar xtra hard
I really don’t see a problem with him making that video. It would be different if CCP punished him for using the exploit, but I don’t think that happened at all. While you may not think he would be good on the CSM, I think he is a great candidate as he actually plays the game.
So where do I even begin with this one, So @Xtra_Squishy_lol pretty amazing player at the game and I respect him well for that but there’s a little bit of bad history too, during his time at test in the middle of the great war I stream sniped him once for only 2h which he went on about for months and also threatened me live that someone from CCP would ban me if he reported me, I spoke to a GM afterwards with the twitch clip and it was deemed not against any form of rules, after this he went on a rampage for a solid 6 months of banning me from every twitch stream he was a mod in, After all of this he dm’d me on discord to tell me how worthless I am and that no one cares that I exist and then blocked me, I have a lot of this evidence. This is all truthful and not some spin,
link ss?
Its not in my nature to link any evidence here,
I’d be pretty mad if someone stream sniped me for two hours. I don’t understand how that makes him a bad candidate for CSM.
If u watch a lot of his streams then u’d prolly have some idea,
I have watched a good several dozen of his streams. He is always out in space looking for content and that is what I want in a CSM candidate. Someone who actually plays the game.
u completely ignore his actions in the past or as others have mentioned, his exploits he has abused and it kind of looks bad, I mean sure even I can vouch for him that he has played in almost every aspect of the game just from our history together, also playing the game is one thing, actually having a good amount of knowledge in the way things work and play out in the game is something different, I really do respect him as a streamer and he has come a long way though,
Ofc Ark Zxr would show up lol you didnt just stream snipe for 2 hours every single time i streamed you would show up and follow me around for the entire stream i banned you after giving you 2 seperate chances but you kept doing the same thing, i know stream sniping is a thing i choose to deal with as a streamer but you boarder on obsession.
In regards to abusing exploits haha thats a spin if i have ever seen it, i make one video on a possible exploit (hadn’t been declared and exploit at the time) where i then decloak after and play legit which lead to me loosing the phoenix.
Xtra Squishy for CSM 16!
Make the Lizzords great again!
Some of the best learning experiences i’ve had in this game have been from watching squishy stream and joining his public fleets.
I fully believe a vote for Squishy is a vote for better pvp in eve.
Someone who really experiences the problems of CCP incompetence damaging solo and small gang PvP. Easy 1 vote for anyone who solo roams, this is our guy.
Some examples of your plans to tackle the stagnant and undiverse meta and risk adverse behaviour of nulsec would be appreciated.
literally made me gag a bit
Look at what Squishy said and what I already said. The only example of an exploit was from BEFORE it was an exploit. Until something is declared an exploit, it really is just a “feature”. And other than from you, I haven’t seen any evidence of Squishy doing anything that is bad for the game.
Got nothing to say about the ban threats u made on livestream and in discord messages? You already know from the beginning that people are gonna stream snipe you whenever you enter their space or region and u have the option to delay ur stream as much as possible but choose not to and rather make idle threats, also in regards to your other exploit with trig standings which I heard people were able to build off before the standings were pulled, @Spitfire1938 you don’t think that was bad enough? It may not have been declared an exploit at the time but u were already knew it was come on man no need to play it like that,