Make eve great again - Xtra Squishy lol - CSM 16

And still u have completely ignored everything I’ve said and just come out with more spins…
And running for csm but saying u don’t care about what I have to say, that’s exactly why u shouldn’t be on csm, ur only there for ur own greed.

Why haven’t you come up with his alleged offense yet, video or image? You’re only talking

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So why aren’t you among the official list?

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posting here wouldn’t be acceptable, u can mail me or something, plenty of witnesses tho

#freesquishy well he finally admitted it wow ??

Not sure what your trying to prove with this screenshot :thinking:

he could never admit to any wrong doing he did, not to mention he did say on this post earlier he doesn’t care what I have to say, which a bad csm candidate if he is unwilling to listen to the players with things to bring to ccp’s attention as a member of the csm, kind of funny he went to reddit about it, ur all saying freesquishy ? have u maybe asked yourself why he’s not ccp partnered and now why they have denied him the opportunity to run as a csm candidate too ? maybe there’s too many bad pointers out there against him that suggest he’s bad for the game and will remain that way till he changes or grows up a bit,

I’m a bit late to the party, but allow me to start tackling some of the issues posted here.

Squishy never brags about doing those exploits or even acting in a way like “Oh I’m a ■■■■ and I’m going to do this every time I can”, if he was like this, he wouldn’t even post the videos, simple logic. Without to mention that if he didn’t post those videos or have a solid viewerbase, he wouldn’t raise awareness within CCP and the players, you can even notice that by the way he talks about the exploits anywhere.

I want to add something in the topics of exploits as well, back when I actually played this game, I’ve seen several ESS exploits, more specifically, burner mission runners were using glitches to warp hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from warp in points to deploy ESS, which would make them unreachable by normal means (If you don’t know, ESS would take a percentage of every rats payout and accumulate within it, and those players would use it to benefit themselves) It took quite a while for this issue to be tackled, and if a video had been posted, it would be taken care of waaaaaay quicker, pretty much like what happens when Squishy makes a video.

Ok, so why haven’t you even posted them? You obviously have a problem with Squishy, but for a whole month what you only did is to talk bad stuff about someone you don’t like by petty reasons, while you make yourself appear what almost everyone hates IRL, a pretentious, egoistic person.

So, why won’t you admit you stream sniped squishy a lot more than what you told at the beginning of this post? You want to raise drama only to make him look bad. Everyone who watches his streams in a regular basis knows you did that all the time you were online and he flew around imperium space (pre-war), dropping nyxes while squishy flies a single hecate only to break the fun he could get in this game.

Something I’d like to add from a comentary I saw quite a while ago:

Stream sniping is strictly against Twitch terms of use. What stream snipers don’t necessarily understand is that they cause Eve Online streamers to stop streaming, which results in less publicity for the game on streaming platforms, essentially damaging the whole of Eve Online community. Maybe consider that the next time you are about to go stream sniping.

All in all, you’re only someone doing a massive witch hunt because he hurts your ego.

Want to PM your proofs? Send me over discord, “Loghy#4800”.

lmfao, people know I only stream snipe him when he roamed our space, which is to be expected from pretty much every eve alliance when u roam their space, and damaging people to where they don’t want to stream eve online again, what a massive spin that is… u can easily adjust the delay to avoid being sniped in the first place, but unlike squishy here he doesn’t choose to do that and instead decides to cry or moan about it like a child, and yeah I dunno about eve stream sniping being against the twitch rules, for any other game sure, both him and myself was reported to twitch and nothing happened so ?
I love how ur post paints me as the terrible guy here, all the times he’s attacked me on stream this is all deserved in return as karma, I tried to repair that friendship with him but he’s pure hate and going around banning me from other eve streams he has mod in just comes to show how much of a child he really is,

Ok, but on your first post in this thread you said you only stream sniped him once, so are you admitting that you did it several times more? Also, are you disregarding stream sniping as a bad practice? what a massive spin that is.

He could, but by altering delays he wouldn’t be able to engage very well with his viewers. Logically the easiest choice is to ban stream snipers.

Stream sniping is against the community guidelines and clearly stated so, just search for it, it’s not like it was hidden. And since Squishy has already banned you from his channel, you shouldn’t get banned from twitch all together, unless you start using alts, which apparently you don’t want to do the effort and is why nothing has happened to your account (For what I know).

If you actually wanted to repair a friendship you’d come with a “sorry for stream sniping” way earlier and not put a drama show in a CSM campaign post just to make him look bad.

Mind mentioning which streams? Because if it was from someone he usually flies with like ThatGuyToxic or DTM135, it’s pretty obvious why a ban would happen.

I also haven’t received no notifications on my discord yet, seems like you were talking bad stuff just for show.

Now to wrap this up, I’ll just leave this video which has a snippet of yours to show how you were acting towards him, keep in mind that this video is 2 years old.


It was actually a DTM stream I was banned from over the drama and honestly dude has a big ego to even go that far, I think some people might want to think a lot more about this guy u are supporting, I mean sure I stream sniped him more than once but I’ve not really stream sniped since the day he threatened me with a CCP ban on livestream but I’m sure there’s plenty of evidence out there of him attacking me in someway somewhere over this CSM loss of his, and yeah delaying his stream might not be super engaging but he cant really complain much then if it was delayed, and Yes I was banned from his discord and twitch channel, only made 1 alt and that was like 6m later just to see how things would go when I tried to talk to him again which went as expected, more hate and the general smack talk u’d expect from him if u were on bad terms with him, that video was a meme and all planned in motion, there is no hate there, during those times it was more of a friendly stream snipe kind of thing really, he did mention I stream snipe all the time but everyone knows that ain’t true obviously? I wouldn’t go that far knowing CCPs game rules, And again while its listed on twitch as against the community rules, eve online is an exception of that rule for a few obvious reasons, related to intel and such like all the people who run afk intel streams for example…
I see no point in repairing the friendship between us anymore as he has done nothing but spread hate, I’d also like to point out that this is very deserved as in response to when some of my good friends who were banned from the game on very little evidence, he Immediately went on to sht all over them so paybacks a real btch sometimes,

Dude just stfu really… He didn’t make it to the candidate list for whatever reason, so just drop it… you’re like nails on a gd chalk board.

for the record:

Additional Gaming Content Guidelines

Cheating in Online Games

Any activity, such as cheating, hacking, botting, or tampering, that gives the account owner an unfair advantage in an online multiplayer game, is prohibited. This also includes exploiting another broadcaster’s live broadcast in order to harass them in-game, such as stream sniping.

so im pretty sure twitch rules, supersede CCP’s rules.

He didn’t make it to the candidate board for a good amount of obvious reasons, funny that he went to reddit too lmao, Again twitch stream snipe rules don’t really apply to eve cuz of intel related stuff, If it was literally every stream then It could be bannable sure, but It wasn’t every stream, u can be pretty sure but doesn’t mean it actually is, I reported myself to twitch and nothing happened like I said so gg better luck next time,

Not sure if you are trolling or just being ignorant and stupid…

Also its funny how Init and Goons tend to attract the same kind of people. Its like you guys are a big family of ass***** :slight_smile:


They absolutely do not, twitch can not control how I play EVE Online, if I’m streaming myself stream sniping, then they might not like that, but otherwise they can’t do anything lol.

good luck!

there’s a lot more to that family, 4+ years with them and don’t regret nothing, good friendly community of players there, no need to be disrespectful, Funny that squishy was part of this group before throwing himself out of the window then boasting about how terrible we all are on reddit like some big boi but then cried when I’d drop supers on him all the time, karma’s a real b*tch and everything is deserved.

Make EvE great again!

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