Make highsec PVE only (player retention)

All of which can be dealt with by the newbie keeping their safety on green, making it impossible to commit a criminal act. Confusion can only exist once the no-longer-newbie turns off the safety and attempts to engage in PvP, at which point if they don’t understand the rules it’s their own fault for not bothering to do the research.

Removal all full criminal actions from high sec would definitely help stream-line this, as well as prove a pve-related area (though not totally) for players.

And, as has been explained to you over and over again, doing so would also require removing all PvE activity above newbie level. No risk, no reward, period. You are not going to get your zero-risk farming space where you can mindlessly farm endgame-level content without any possible inconvenience.

For now, this is very true, sadly there is just no competition in this genre, we desperately need more.

What happened to your earlier claim that Star Citizen has 3 million players and has already killed EVE? Can’t even keep track of which lie you’re supposed to be telling?

It would definitely help keep players.

Only PvE trash that doesn’t belong in EVE and won’t stay very long anyway. EVE is a PvP game and the thing that draws people in is the PvP stories. Player retention needs to be focused on getting people into that PvP content with as few barriers as possible, not on trying to get PvE farmers to sit in highsec mindlessly farming the same menial tasks until they finally finish leveling up their Raven and quit.

Im working on a new mmo in this genre

Stop lying. We all know that you are not doing any meaningful work on anything resembling competition. It’s very obvious to everyone that you are hilariously ignorant of game design and incapable of writing anything more complicated than “hello world”.

As a game designer, I know that people will always do the most efficient thing. Any developer knows this. If people think they can mind at 10m slower rate an hour, and not be harassed they will do it because it means no loss, and that they cant start stacking officer mods for their pve carebearing.

So no, its not a joke, its something very serious to be considered. In ways, i wonder if ccp would of just made everything null if it would of been better.

But you’re not. This is the same lie you’ve been spreading since you first joined the forums.

What are you even talking about here? “Efficient” at what? Making isk? Corporations? Structures? PvP? PvE? You’re just saying thing that don’t mean anything because you give zero context. I know you’re just throwing out vague statements hoping someone is dumb enough to nod their head and agree with you.

What does “10m slower rate an hour” even mean?

In ways, I wonder what made you so insecure that you came to the forums pretending to be a “designer”. :thinking:

Stop lying. You are not a game designer, nor do you understand game design at more than the most superficial level.

If people think they can mind at 10m slower rate an hour, and not be harassed they will do it because it means no loss, and that they cant start stacking officer mods for their pve carebearing.

Then the difference needs to be more than 10m/hour. This is precisely why your demands to nerf highsec PvP are so idiotic, you are trying to create a scenario where highsec is only slightly less profitable but contains zero risk whatsoever. Highsec needs to be either a moderate safety area with moderate rewards (IOW, suicide ganking/wars/etc exist but so does some endgame-level content) or a newbie tutorial area with negligible risk but also negligible reward.

Prove it. Other wise your claim means nothing.

Efficiency is not always limited to Money (like isk). An example of this could be players in wow grinding mobs that spawn in packs over and over (every 10-15 seconds), but instantly die, while granting 500 xp each (for a pack of 10) Vs spending 10-15 minutes on a quest that gives 3000 xp. This was the case in WOTLK.

Players always do what gives them the most benefit, with the least amount of effort. In eve, Suicide ganking and high sec killing is a good example of that behavior, it just happens to be more abusive then hitting max level in 6 hours (because of the player loss caused by it).

Actually, its not vague, or dumb. And you attacking and being arrogant of this very important psychological state, which is one of the corner stones of game development, only proves your own ignorance.

All game design has three key components. The psychological aspect (why players do what they do) and reasoning, the emotional state (what they feel about that activity) , and the mechanical (coding etc) state.

Any developer ignorant of these things, is bad at their job.

That’s not how it works. You made the claim that you are a successful game designer, the burden of proof is on you to prove that your claim is true. And you’re certainly not proving anything with your continued demonstrations of the fact that you don’t understand game design.

Right back at you and your claim about being a “designer”. Whatever that means, lmao.

I don’t care.

What are you even talking about here?
What benefit does Suicide Ganking give players in terms of “efficiency”? Or are you just saying dumb and vague things hoping someone agrees with you.

Suicide ganking is an ‘efficient’ way to nuke your Sec status. But what other thing is it “efficient” at?

I can google game designer power point presentations too. But you’re still failing to connect any of this with EVE Online. Again, you’re just saying things but not explaining them. What does any of that have to do with EVE Online or Highsec PvE or suicide ganking?

Seems like you are (if you were), but you’re not.

Nothing is off-topic here. Posts directly replying to the content of your comments are not “off-topic” just because you don’t like hearing disagreement or having your lies pointed out.

In fact, the biggest source of off-topic posting is your desperate attempts to get CCP to silence criticism for you and allow you to keep lying.


Not true. He wants a completely safe area in the game AND raise rewards within it:
(and destroy isk/asset sinks while at it)

Not true,

I want high sec to have pvp, lets be clear about that. I am not against pvp in high sec, and actually if you paid attention to all my posts you will find that i strongly believe that the bounty system should be shifted to corporations (and possibly look at who and what conditions people apply bounties) and use them for the bounty system.

I want high sec to have pvp that is war-dec oriented, and i want to change the current conditions of eligibility, because i think corporations should be working as a team for a greater, grander goal, to build stations, and as a result i dont believe that corporations should be punished for working as a community for a goal that gives them a sense of loyalty and pride in their organization. To be clear, i also think that stations should have upgrades, and should have to start as small stations, and work up to large, then maybe limit the types of station upgrades to the security.

So for example, you drop a small station, collect x mins, isk or what eve, and then hit upgrade, and after a month or what eve, it upgrades.

What i am against in high sec is suicide ganking, because it is extremely abusive, and has a direct impact on the over all community with things like code, and things like burn jita. These aspects are abusive to the health of the game, the commitment of players, and the health of the economy (because goons for example can seed the market with incredible production rates, then kill everything so players buy their goods at a marked up high sec rate, its ingeniousness at it’s finest to be honest).


I am not a fan of the idea of people doing content and getting rewarded based on the security of space. To be clear, i think the security of space should offer benefits, like better refinement rates, or something on stations, not more income.

I want to make pve more difficult in high sec, in that it has more stages, for example the high sec mini-plexes you can find scattered around. I think content should have scale-ability to it in all aspects of the game, not just scaling from high sec to low.

This is a healthy middle ground for both hardcore pvpers, and hardcore pvers. People can choose to opt out of most forms (but not all since there will be some sort of corporate condition to enable them to be war dec’d, actually if this is done right it will make war decs more persistent in high sec) of pvp.

It should also be stated that i believe that war decs (actually, backing up all political relationships should) should have more weight to them, not just be a mechanic to bypass punishment from concord. This should more more of the statement “you are invading our space, time to die”, not “hey, your a carebear, lets make you quit the game”.

Stop lying. You have lobbied for the removal of war decs against anyone who has a station and the removal of suicide ganking. What PvP is left? Opting in to a voluntary duel?

because it is extremely abusive

No it isn’t. Suicide ganking is extremely easy to avoid and generally only targets a handful of rich idiots. For the average player it is a non-issue.

(because goons for example can seed the market with incredible production rates, then kill everything so players buy their goods at a marked up high sec rate, its ingeniousness at it’s finest to be honest)

Sounds like everything is working as intended and this is great for the market. Or have you forgotten that market PvP is a thing?

I am not a fan of the idea of people doing content and getting rewarded based on the security of space.

Yes, we know you think you should be able to farm the most profitable content with zero risk. It’s still a terrible idea.

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