You absolutely have it as best as it can get in an NPC station.
Is there better? Yes, in a Pos. But you have the max refine in an NPC station. What you want is the best refine in the game to be the one in NPC stations, and that’s not how EVE works.
Try seeking a different value in your faction to lobby for.
Both you and little Timmy have candy. Little Timmy was given more candy. This does not take your candy away.
EVE previously worked like that just fine. Apparently, you really don’t understand how EVE works.
I’m not asking for anything to be taken away from citadels, only to have the same refining bonus with high standings, a goal previously presented to players, and one that I personally had previously worked towards for quite a while.
It really isn’t something unreasonable to ask for at all. If you had any sense, you would realize that what I am asking for is only fair.
Whats funny here is that I’m on your side. You can be condescending if you like, but you are the one crying that little timmy has candy and it somehow took yours away.
It’s called rebalancing. They have goals that they develop the game toward, and one of those is that player owned destructible things are better than indestructible NPC things.
It is fair to ask for more value for your standings. It is irrational, childish and overall stupid to cry that you want the change that brought the game more in line with it’s long established design goals rolled back.
You assume that this isn’t an unfair screw up. Fine if they want to give POS max refine but was there really a need to take away that which players had worked for? Were citadels not useful enough without taking away from other players? What do long established design goals have to do with that? Nothing. You are afflicted by a blind faith in institutions.
Your inane “candy” anology just makes you look like you don’t understand anything or you are trolling. Don’t know where you got that but I don’t care.
Something players had worked for was taken away. Imagine someone who had spent hundreds of hours developing their standings with dozens of NPC corps so that they could have max refine in certain locations. Now these players may need to make several jumps, possibly into dangerous territory to have that benefit. All their time ignored and discarded by CCPs negligence.
Would it be so costly to citadel owners to let them keep that which they have worked for? The answer is no, as citadels offer several other benefits, and the players who develop their standings for such purposes are a minority. A minority that was easily trampled on and ignored in the latest attempt to further accommodate the masses. It is actually kind of disgusting.
No they aren’t. Even now they aren’t overwhelmingly used.
Would it be so costly to citadel owners to let them keep that which they have worked for?
It’d be more costly to the game’s health to take away the advantage of using structures than to take it away from npc stations.
Doesn’t matter how hard you worked for your standing, it’s still a trivial effort compared to putting up a structure. But nevermind, you benefited from those standings before the changes. Stop whining.
And the point you keep ignoring is that they don’t have to do that. They can continue to refine in NPC stations at the same rate they did in the past. They won’t get access to the new, higher, rate of player stations but they still get the NPC rate they’ve been using.
You can have PvP in an RPG. Believe it or not it’s totally possible to develop both PvP and PvE, even at the same time. Just because EVE is a sucky game outside of it’s PvP does not mean it was always meant to be or even has to be now. At it’s release it was pretty on par with other MMORPGs in it’s development of the world. Now it’s not, and has seen little love for many years.
I agree that EVE would not be as enjoyable as it is without the PvP, but the singleminded focus on it does it no favors
On par, perhaps, but only because PvE in other games was also ****. From day one EVE had a single-minded focus on PvP (including industrial/market PvP), and its PvE content was some tacked-on filler just so you’d have something to do in your PvP downtime. At no point was it ever fun or interesting or enough to build a complete game experience around. The past EVE you imagine, with well-supported and enjoyable PvE, is nothing more than your imagination.
i agree, right now standings are pointless af id like to see them actually be useful for stuff again; all that time spent in data centres and cosmos missions… for uhm… well so i can run missions… in highsec… brilliant…
You may think it unfair, but it was certainly no accident.
Yes, they want the best refining to be destructible. It’s that simple.
They didn’t take anything away from anyone. They just didin’t. You can refine at an NPC station as well or better than you ever could in the past, so nothing is lost at all except a relative value that they have stated a great many time over the last decade or so was meant to favor player owned destructible platforms so as to serve as a content driver. They want you to own it and have a need to defend it… that’s just EVE. You can even still refine at the maximum efficiency the game allows, as you can also use player stations.
It’s called adding depth to the gameplay. Now you can choose the safe but less efficient (marginally) option, or the more risky but more efficient option. Up to you.
The candy analogy is an attempt to explain this concept in words a toddler can understand, as that’s about the level of your argument and attitude. Nothing was taken away, but when more was added you don’t like how the extra didn’t favor you in particular.
I 100% agree that standings should matter and be important in the game. We also lost the relative benefit of being the only people who could install jump clones or put up POS in high sec. I would love for the devs to consider doing some world building, but I’m not going to throw an infantile temper tantrum because other people can do the same things that were the privledge of those who got the standings. Instead I will ask, and advise others to ask, that new benefits be introduced to restore the value of having worked for the standings.
"They didnt take anything away from anyone"
back when you needed standings to anchor pos’s in hs you could get paid well for making or updating corps standings with your own… so yes; they did take something from people…
It is still there AFAIK. The tax benefits to standings did not get removed.
Sorry this is a reflection on you really. You totally conflated two different things.
Sure it takes away something…it takes away one of the benefits of owning such a POS. This is trivially obvious…so much so that again, instead of calling everyone else in the thread stupid you should go gaze in the mirror.
Since the OP, which you wrote, is a pile of confused garbage…you might have a point here, but only because you wrote a pile of confused garbage.
Standings were not part of the reprocessing equation except in terms of the equipment taxation. That effect, AFAIK is still there.
CCP wanted to change the reprocessing equation so that they could do more with reprocessing. Since many people already had 100% refine there was not much CCP could do to reprocessing aside from going over 100% which is silly.
So they redid the reprocessing equation in terms of how skills affect reprocessing rates. Then to ensure there was not an adverse shock to the economy they also changed the ore yields so that processing gave the same minerals in the end–i.e. the normalized the new equation to the then current status quo.
Then along come citadels. And to provide an incentive to own one they gave players the ability to set taxes that could not be by-passed via standings. This is a benefit to the owner who is taking the risk of setting up such a POS. The benefit to players using that station get a higher refine rate even after taxes are taken into account.
The gist of this is as follows:
When you refine in an NPC station now you get just as much minerals as you did prior to the reprocessing balance pass.
The station equipment tax benefit of standings is still there for NPC stations.
Citadels were given a boost in reprocessing so as to make them more desirable given the risk one takes in setting one up. There NPC standings do not interact with the tax rate.
You are no worse off now than you were before. You are just pissed those who are using citadels are getting more than you.
But it had nothing to do with your standings. It was a change to the equation that your standings had no effect on. That part of the equation where standings reduce the equipment tax, AFAIK, are still working like they always did. I have not found any evidence of this being removed…then again I haven’t been in HS or an NPC station is quite some time.
Thanks. Nice to know some people in this thread can see reason.
Pay no attention to the forum trash who are spamming the thread with their nonsense posts. They are saying whatever dumb things they can to get attention. Even homeless drunks are less pathetic than these basement clowns who troll themselves. Nobody can stand them IRL either.
Lugburz does have a valid point. When standings allowed people to anchor POS and get jump clones people did run businesses offering such services. However, that is not what you are complaining about. What you are complaining about simply has not gone away. What they did do was change reprocessing. If for say 300 ore you got 100 of a given mineral then they changed reprocessing and you got something like 50 minerals, but to keep that from having a real shock on the economy they cut the required ore to 150. So for 300 ore you still get 100 minerals. In other words, you were made no worse off with the change.
Then they added citadels and in doing so they offered a benefits to both the person setting up the citadel and to those using it. For reprocessing you get a better refine rate, so using the example numbers above (which are just for illustrative purposes) for your 300 ore you get 120 minerals…but you have to pay a tax, so you get something like say 118 minerals. In an NPC station nothing has changed. If you have good standings you get 100 minerals, if you have no standings you get 95 minerals.
Nothing has changed regarding standings and station equipment tax.
You are wrong, as usual. Nearly every post you make further reveals your incompetence and inability/unwillingness to understand the issues here.
Previously, the maximum refine possible could be achieved in NPC stations for players who had developed their standings with them, and that was indeed changed and taken away from them. Stop demonstrating your idiocy by denying the obvious.
Additionally, the meager isk tax bonus for refining that can be achieved is primarily derived through faction standings and NOT NPC corp standings. NPC corp standings are indeed next to worthless when before they had purpose.
Reprocessing yield: Station Equipment + 0.375 x (1 + Refining skill x 0.02) x (1 + Refining Efficiency skill x 0.04) x (1 + Ore Processing skill x 0.05)
New one,
Reprocessing yield: Station Equipment x (1 + Refining skill x 0.03) x (1 + Refining Efficiency skill x 0.02) x (1 + Ore Processing skill x 0.02)).