Make NPC corp reputation less worthless

You can refine more from stations now than you could before numb nuts. It’s just that structures can refine EVEN MORE.

To say that anything has been taken away wouldn’t be good English.

Yes, I realize that. However, that fact is completely unrelated to the point of this thread.

How dumb are you that you don’t realize that? :laughing::joy::rofl:

GTFO kid. This is obviously too much for your child brain to process.

Then we’re back to the fact that structures are riskier to keep and will always be better.

Give it up.

So, let me get this straight: if there’s ever a mechanic where you have to grind for something you can never introduce a better thing in the future, the results of grinding should always be the best possible thing and anything less is an attack on everyone who obtained it? Even if the people who got it are still in a better position compared to people who didn’t grind for it?

Well I think we all see who the real idiot is here. The one who is conflating the reprocessing changes with the effects of standings on reducing the station equipment tax.

That pretty much sums it up. Not only is the OP behaving in a very entitled manner…he also doesn’t know what he is talking about or is lousy writer who can’t string together a cogent sentence.

Wait-a-minute here.

So, CCP gave you a higher refine than you could previously max out. However, that isn’t good enough for you because you feel you deserve some sort of lasting reward. You feel you deserve this reward for once, possibly several years ago, taking a couple months to shoot red pluses.

Am I missing anything here?

Yeah, you are completely wrong here.

You may have lost some relative value, as there are now better refining options, but you have not lost any real value, and in fact gained a bit from the changes.

To your original statement, I wholeheartedly agree that gaining standings with a faction should have significant value as relates to that faction, all kinds of things like access to space owned, unique services, and any other benefits that could be dreamed up. A long time ago this was an MMORPG rather than just another lame PvP MMO. They gave up that side of their development, and doubled down on that with the hiring of hardcore PvP players as their new generation of devs. It’s probably gone now, and all we have left are the undeveloped stubs of features like the faction system.

But… those benefits need not have anything to do with refining services, and indeed should not be in direct competition with player owned station services, especially within the same security levels of space. For instance, if NPC refining for a faction that owns the space in high sec were better, but as you went lower security and into Null Sec the NPC stuff (where you could even find it) stayed the same but player owned stuff got better, that would be worth discussing.

But just asking for yet another buff because player stuff edges you out is dumb, and you are off base by demanding it specifically.

Lolno. EVE has only ever been a good and interesting game because of its PvP elements. The PvE has never been even remotely interesting. It’s a zero-depth grind against NPCs that are incapable of doing anything but passively sitting there taking fire until you F1 enough times to finish them all and start another mission. What made, and still makes, EVE great is things like the ability to build your own station, or to destroy your rival’s station.

:rofl: Do try not to be so utterly ridiculous. I worked towards something that was taken away for no good reason, max refine in NPC stations. I am only asking for what is fair.

It really is amazing how many of you are too stupid to understand that. It must suck.

Allowing players max refine in NPC stations with max standings isn’t going to take away any significant traffic from POS, which do not even need max refining to be useful or provide content. The way it is now, anyone can enjoy max refining without risking anything and without the need to earn it.

You usually don’t have to own the structure to use it, doofus. Were back to you making an complete idiot of yourself again. You have no arguments related to the OP and are desperately throwing up straw men instead. I can’t imagine how big of a loser you must be to act in such a childish manner. Haven’t you embarrassed yourself enough?

Just stop posting.

No, you didn’t work towards max refine, because that is not what you were promised. CCP never said “this will always be the best refining option”. You were promised a +X% refine bonus, and you still get a refine bonus. The fact that some other thing gives a bonus as well does not take away the fact that you gained what you were promised.

The way it is now, anyone can enjoy max refining without risking anything and without the need to earn it.

As if getting max refining based on NPC standings involves any risk or earning it? PvE farming is a zero-risk activity, and the only obstacle is how many hours you’re willing to spend mindlessly pressing F1. The idea that your standings represent some kind of impressive accomplishment is just laughable.

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Yes, i actually did. It was taken away and I have every right to complain.

It really is amazing that you are too stupid to understand that.

Does anyone take you seriously?

{citation needed}

Please provide a quote from CCP stating that the reward for high standing is the maximum possible refining percentage that will ever exist in EVE, and that by getting high standings you will always have the best percentage (whatever that percentage happens to be in the future).

It wasn’t taken away, you get a better yield than you did before.

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:laughing: Nobody ever makes promises like that, that in the future something will always be this way when already it is working as it is.

Its actually comedy how ridiculous you are.

max refine at NPC stations was indeed taken away. Pretty funny that you still haven’t grasped or refuse to understand the point of this thread.

Try to find something better to do than be a worthless poster. Does anyone at all take you dumb kids seriously?

Yield is more now than it was before. It wasn’t taken away.

Would you be happier if you got 100% yield in stations with max standings but structures got 108% but the amount in rocks was halved?

Would that stop your crying?

Max refine at NPC stations was taken away. You are obviously, intentionally missing the point and making an idiot of yourself for everyone to see. It must suck to be you, kid.

Just stop posting. Try getting a life instead of being a worthless brat.

I’ve just proposed getting max refine. It’ll have less yield but you don’t give a crap about that apparently.

You can have PvP in an RPG. Believe it or not it’s totally possible to develop both PvP and PvE, even at the same time. Just because EVE is a sucky game outside of it’s PvP does not mean it was always meant to be or even has to be now. At it’s release it was pretty on par with other MMORPGs in it’s development of the world. Now it’s not, and has seen little love for many years.

I agree that EVE would not be as enjoyable as it is without the PvP, but the singleminded focus on it does it no favors.

Max refine wasn’t taken away. You absolutely have it as best as it can get in an NPC station already. Even better, you have access to the player owned stations and their superior refining as well, so for you it’s all win.

The benefit from standings should not compete directly with a player run service. You want to be mad at the loss of relative value, then suggest a bonus that does not directly compete with a player run service. Refining isn’t going to be it, and it should not be from the moment long ago when POS started being able to refine things.

As it happens, this being EVE, you even have a recourse to what you see is a problem. When you see people trying to bring haulers into a station that you feel is providing too good of a service, shoot them. Make it cost more to use that station than others.

Wrong. Only POS give the max refine possible now. You really shouldn’t be trying to say what is what when you are that uninformed.