In any sort of argument, when someone is more concerned with being right than being understood, that is a symptom of a person who does not read. Not just at that point in time, but in general (like books, news, etc).
Also, he used the word “strawman” over a dozen times in this thread. This makes it seem like he heard somewhere that this is a really good thing to say a lot during debates in order to appear a stronger opponent, but hasn’t actually ever looked up what it means. I hope that this will be enough impetus for him to stop huffing glue and listening to dub-step long enough to open up Wikipedia, and read a few opening lines. And while we’re going on a learning spree, here are some more logical fallacies prime for research:
- ad hominem
- tu quoque
- argumentum ad logicam
Edit: the person I replied to has had their posts removed by a mod, so the context is missing, but you can probably infer it based on what I wrote.
Can you guys like, not get this thread locked down? It’s actually a really good case study example of carebear toxicity, and it would be great if it could be referenced in the future.
Thank you, I appreciate that some people could clearly grasp what I was saying, no matter what the other party did to attempt to … Whatever he was trying to do.
Still is, if the number of times hes just quoted me is anything to by.
That escalated… fairly quickly. Just a quick question: Is everybody still aware that all this is just talking about a game? A leisure activity? And that it’s very unlikely anything from these discussions will find a way into the game? Doesn’t matter. Just go on. Have fun. I’ll come up with some more ideas later.
Removed more than half the thread for trolling/being disruptive/other rules violations. Don’t do it again.
Honestly, just kill the thread. Since two-thirds of the posts were removed, the ones that remain have so little context that there’s no reason to leave this alive.